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Gina Szanboti

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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti

  1. There are dozens of these for this song, but I think this was the first, and it's still the best.
  2. ClassicaLoid
  3. Yowamushi Pedal
  4. 9-10
  5. Nazca
  6. Eden of the East Grisaia
  7. Wallpaper paste is a lot like oatmeal... >.>
  8. Christmas? Me as a little kid - not wanting too much as far as toys/games since my family didn't have much money, and I didn't want my parents to worry about money to get me stuff. Me as a pre-teen - not wanting too much as far as toys/games since I lived too far out in the stix, nobody my age to do stuff with. Me as a teen - not wanting anything since I didn't want my parents to worry about getting me stuff and I lived too far out in the stix, nobody my age to do stuff with. Me as an adult - not really comfortable with anything I'd get from anyone because I was always getting more than I was able to give. Me now - nobody left to give to since I've scared everybody off, which is ok by me. Yeah, but sometimes even that's not enough, and I'm gumming stuff from the spice rack and eating the wallpaper off the walls rather than go shopping.
  9. Weiß Kreuz
  10. Joker Game
  11. People who leave the caps off Sharpies and other felt pens have a special circle in Hell awaiting them. One where they can escape the burning hellfire if they just write a simple "Let me out!" message, but all the thousands of pens everywhere around them are all dried up and useless, just like all the ones they left in their wake in life. They can try to write in their own blood, but that will be in vain because it won't count!
  12. Some of the channers would sign up with them on the spot. @ Philosipher: It sez, "Great Value." Sounds like they used a supermarket bag?
  13. He should probably see a doctor about that. I meant his facial leprosy, not his hand. (obviously I have no clue what that's shopped from)
  14. Quack Experimental Anime Excel Saga
  15. Elfie's list is good. You could add Little Witch Academia (series and movies), Flying Witch (series, sol, veeeery laid back), Maquia, Patema Inverted, Typhoon Noruda (short movie), and stuff like Garden of Words (Shinkai scenery porn) and Your Name (Shinkai best-selling magical-reality emo-porn). Have you seen all of Ghibli's output or just the big 5 or 6?
  16. Boogiepop Phantom
  17. Monster
  18. Let him watch this, where it all started (trying to find it w/o subs seems to be impossible. Hard to find it at all). Then watch this, which is a beautiful companion video.
  19. Observes the Captain, "What we have here is failure to communicate." When in doubt, turn to Shel: ============================ Alright, ye academics, intellectuals and expositors of literature. Here’s one to wrap your brain around. But if you want to ‘get’ it, you’ll have to go back, back, way back. You’ll have to go back to a place a long time ago, a place where the sidewalk ended and the shoreside began, and turtles spoke in rhyme, and fell in love at first sight…. You’ll have to go back, back, way back, to a time a long time ago, when you read poetry to learn new ideas rather than to affirm those you already believed in. So if, for a few moments, you can afford to forget about your finals, your bills, the expectations your mom has of you, and the paper you have due later today, then you are eligible to take this journey. Sit back, and read carefully as Shel Silverstein relates a true story of love, despair, and the real-life consequences of a misapplied imagination. The Bagpipe Who Didn’t Say No By: Shel Silverstein It was nine o'clock at midnight at a quarter after three When a turtle met a bagpipe on the shoreside by the sea, And the turtle said, "My dearie, May I sit with you? I'm weary." And the bagpipe didn't say no. Said the turtle to the bagpipe, "I have walked this lonely shore, I have talked to waves and pebbles--but I've never loved before. Will you marry me today, dear? Is it 'No' you're going to say dear?" But the bagpipe didn't say no. Said the turtle to his darling, "Please excuse me if I stare, But you have the plaidest skin, dear, And you have the strangest hair. If I begged you pretty please, love, Could I give you just one squeeze, love?" And the bagpipe didn't say no. Said the turtle to the bagpipe, "Ah, you love me. Then confess! Let me whisper in your dainty ear and hold you to my chest." And he cuddled her and teased her And so lovingly he squeezed her. And the bagpipe said, "Aaooga." Said the turtle to the bagpipe, "Did you honk or bray or neigh? For 'Aaooga' when your kissed is such a heartless thing to say. Is it that I have offended? Is it that our love is ended?" And the bagpipe didn't say no. Said the turtle to the bagpipe, "Shall i leave you, darling wife? Shall i waddle off to Woedom? Shall i crawl out of your life? Shall I move, depart and go, dear-- Oh, I beg you tell me 'No' dear!" But the bagpipe didn't say no. So the turtle crept off crying and he ne'er came back no more, And he left the bagpipe lying on that smooth and sandy shore. And some night when tide is low there, Just walk up and say, "Hello, there," And politely ask the bagpipe if this story's really so. I assure you, darling children, the bagpipe won't say "No." Sorry. I never said there would be a happy ending. But perhaps we can all take a lesson from the story and make sure this never happens to us. How often we misinterpret gesticulations, facial expressions, even silence. And how often our assumptions have more to do with our own preconceived notions than the conveyor’s intent. Since bagpipes cannot speak, the turtle formulated answers to his questions based on his own whimsical emotions. But had he empathized with the bagpipe, he would have realized that the bagpipe was incapable of turtle-talk. He would not have personalized the bagpipe’s silence and he would not have felt the pain of heartbreak. When we see beyond ourselves, when we empathize with our peers, it is easier to escape this pitfall. Obviously, as humans, the simplest way to avoid this trap is through verbal communication. Rather than assume how a person feels, just ask. You think that girl doesn’t share your feelings for a relationship? Ask her. You think your friend doesn’t need to talk about the death of his grandfather? Ask him. There is a world inside each and every person, and none of us is so smart that we can possibly know what it going on in every heart. Communicate. Listen. Empathize. What? Why are you making that funny face? You didn’t like this? Fine. Whatever. I don’t like you either. Why don’t you just go finish that paper you’re about to hand in late? -Rachel Weissman
  20. Cookie dough.
  21. Gegege no Kitaro
  22. It's a card game based on the historic The 100 Poems. Verses are printed on the cards. You have a deck of those cards you lay out on the floor. A reader reads the verses and you try to be the first to a) identify which verse it is (like if you hear the first syllable, it can be a number of cards, sort of like Name That Tune), b) locate it in either your layout or your opponent's, and c) get your hand on it. It's very physically taxing because you're on your knees most of the time, hunched over the cards, tensed to spring into action while straining to catch the first breath of a sound of a syllable while remembering where all the cards are in both players' layouts. Children's versions of the cards have pictures of animals and such, and other variations exist that aren't the poems. After 2+ seasons, I still don't understand all the rules, but you don't need to. It's less about the game and more about people's obsession with it and their relationships with their peers, and the competition. As there is no professional level that pays, it's all organized and played by people who just love the damn game.
  23. E's Otherwise
  24. Mirina Sirtis' husband died last night. TNG once removed rather than DS9 I guess. Rene Auberjonois was about the only thing I liked about the original M.A.S.H. movie. Him and Radar.
  25. Nathan Chen just blew out the ISU Grand Prix a couple days ago, with Yuzuru Hanyu coming in second. They were both awesome. 5 quads each! Remember when YoI watchers said that 4 was unrealistic? (sorry for the lame vid for Chen - NBC's got the good stuff locked up behind their paywalls)
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