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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. Hello. I’m on a business trip and I could hear someone having sex. THis hotel sucks.
  2. Luuv and I used to talk/debate/argue a lot on AIM and the mod board. We frequently did not see eye to eye, but he was so fucking passionate about whatever the subject, and he helped me see things from beyond my own perspective. I miss him.
  3. “Y’alld’ve done the same thing.” the only acceptable answer.
  4. Don’t mope for too long. Keep dating.
  5. *jimmy johns*
  6. If I have my druthers? Cinnamon rolls.
  7. Yes, I have donated blood.
  8. What a Turbo-Douche
  9. It would be appreciated.
  10. BOTW might, might be my favorite Zelda ever. I’ll have to ruminate in it for a while to really see if it topped Link to the Past.
  11. Store manager
  12. Yeah, to a vegetable once, but then the nurse came in...
  13. Been playing Dark Souls 3, I think I finally love this series
  14. carriage...uh...of justice
  15. Why don't you guys just have sex with each other? I mean, I'm just thinking logically.
  16. Goku created a galaxy, then absorbed it. very cool.
  17. 1982, Xennial
  18. Breath of the Wild
  19. WITH the tire
  20. Discount Tire
  21. And want everyone to see them.
  22. The internet: Male posts a thread hoping to see females Only males post
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