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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. I think we can all say, thank God for that
  2. How much did the ticket cost?
  3. WOW! That's a wild story. So were you going to have no physical contact with him? What if you decided to have sex and got pregnant? Was it clear there would never be any feelings?
  4. Is life being faithful?
  5. You don't have to have kids if you get married.
  6. Well, get yourself feeling right, then maybe it'll find you.
  7. The search function on here is kind of garbage, so if I'm making a repeat thread, please direct me to it! If there isn't a DBS thread...then...now there is. I know DBS is stupid. I always said Dragon Ball Z was my guilty pleasure, and DBS is no different. But it's still a pleasure. I CAN'T WAIT FOR GOKU'S NEW SUPER SAIYAN FORM AM I STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL
  8. Not to delve too deeply, but have you dated a lot? My brother feels the same way as you but he didn't date very much so he's just resigned himself to a life alone. It makes me sad, but anytime I try to bring it up he shuts down. I'm curious if you've had failures in love, or if you just don't feel like it's for you?
  9. I'm pretty out of the loop, is nabloom someone on here?
  10. Made me think of this. http://itistimefor.ytmnd.com/ Also made me remember YTMND existed.
  11. Just don't think that you're meant to be alone, and leave yourself open to the opportunity. It's weird, I fucking love being alone, but I never wanted to be.
  12. You strike me as a very discerning individual.
  14. Nagging keeps me alive.
  15. I didn't marry until 32, so you'll be well ahead of me if it happens in the next 10 years :catlol
  16. Just the sensus *jots down 'must investigate further'*
  17. That sounds like an interesting story, tell me more!
  18. Still a better love story than Twilight /meme
  19. At this point, possibly.
  20. Question mark?
  21. Fuck, this sucks. I feel numb. He and I didn't always get along (far from it, I argued with him more than anyone else on the board), but damn did I know he was passionate about whatever he did. He will be terribly missed. Rest in peace, Mr. Crowe.
  22. I'M TAKING THE OPPOSITE OF A HIATUS. Not really, I'm just drinking and my wife is at work.
  23. I never come near dollars, it gets awkward at checkout.
  24. SwimOdin


    Has this been confirmed or not? I hope the latter.
  25. Did you ever hear the tragedy of SwimOdin the Mod? I thought not. It’s not a story the Posters would tell you. It’s an ASMB legend. SwimOdin was a Dark Mod of the Jerks, so powerful and so drunk he could use the Banhammer to influence the admins to create threads...He had such a knowledge of the Mod side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from being banned. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his helpers everything he knew, then his helpers banned him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from being banned, but not himself
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