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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. I’m thinking about chocolate
  2. Wonderful my representative is being spotlighted! I am not high enough for this.
  3. The only reason I can watch this is because I’m high as fucking balls right now.
  4. Damn
  5. I do reeeeeally want ultimate werewolf
  6. American society and mobility in it is about your potential to make someone else more money, so yeah, maybe.
  7. Rest in power, George. You were the voice of weird alternative animation.
  8. Do you give your animals nicknames beyond their already (sometimes) silly names? My cat’s name is Biscuit. She also goes by Bowling Ball, because she’s the least graceful, most glass shattering cat I’ve had. She also goes by Scatf, because she’s likes to snuggle around my neck, and she scarfs down food.She also also goes by Slime or if you’re feeling cheeky “My Slime” because she doesn’t land on her feet, she mostly undulates. Its a lot to be around me as a pet parent.
  9. Damn, and with Daima just ending. His legacy is living on, my grandson has watched all of Daima with me and he constantly wants to play Goku vs Vegeta. Long live the king.
  10. The Olympic Committee does not give ANY fucks as long as they get their money, so there will be no problem on that front. As to any other countries participating, I could see a boycott ala 1980.
  11. One of the greatest disappointments of 2024 (and there were many) was finding out that my corner of Atlanta had been redistricted into MTG’s. My interests are not represented at all in Congress. In fact they’re antithetical. So that’s why I’m so optimistic…
  12. The guy killed one of the elite, the rule of law won’t apply.
  13. It’s the part where the meows get multi-syllabic that I draw the line.
  14. She’s getting fixed Monday. She loves to sit in the grandson’s old baby rocking chair. I put her there in the garage when the heat-screams get too demonic.
  15. Top 3 geographic regions of Georgia: 1. Blue Ridge mountains 2. Piedmont 3. Coastal plain
  16. I’m hoping for a Young Pope/New Pope scenario myself
  17. As a man in his 40s, I also still refer to my mother as “mama”
  18. Wait until you learn about twitter, it’s gonna blow your mind
  19. I shave my neck every day because neckbeards are terrible. I also shave my cheekbones daily because I do grow some hair there and I don’t want to look like a wolfman. Otherwise it’s just maintenance on the beard. I have my winter sized beards at the moment. The mustache is out of control, so that’s my slack off.
  20. People are idiots are hear they’re getting $$$ and do not understand what inflation is. Pre-nazi Germany here we come.
  21. https://www.commondreams.org/news/bolsonaro-trump Everything is stupid
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