I've driven on that bridge! I was driving to Hilton Head for our honeymoon and the GPS took us a crazy way instead of onto 95. It was terrifying and my wife made fun of me.
I don't think the highway thing is irrational, unless it's like a super safe stretch of road. There are a couple highways in Atlanta that I get tense just thinking about.
Giant turtles sound cute.
I don't even care if humanity can't survive, but I hate to think that the potential for life is over.
I can't be on facebook because my father posts insane right-wing stuff, and I can't even share the same social media platform as him. I'm glad both of you don't have insane right-wing fathers.
What things absolutely freak you out, you have no control over, and also realize you have no control over, and yet you're fixated on them?
I'm terrified of entropy. The heat death of the universe in 100 trillion years keeps me up at night.
Does ramo post here? I see him on twitter a lot. He's wonderful. Also he was a mod on the asmb in case anyone didn't know that. I don't remember his mod name.
I'm so sorry about your cousin. Everything is maddening.
You guys may have heard about a school in Georgia where a second grader tested positive on the second day? My boss's daughter goes to that school. Ugh.