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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. Work stuff.
  3. Alcohol poisoning sounds, like, cool. I know I'm not drunk enough yet because I could type two commas.
  4. I can't feel my your face when I'm with you. But I love it. But I love it.
  5. Is that the proof? That sounds nice.
  6. So, I'm feeling anxious. I'm drinking until I can't feel my face. I can still feel my face.
  7. I watched Hacksaw Ridge and cried. A LOT. WW2 movies always make me think of my grandfather.
  8. Nine pillows between the two of us. I wounldnt mind more.
  9. I couldn’t give less fucks about this game. Fuck both teams.
  10. Will I enjoy this even though I’ve never been into monster hunter and I would rather play solo than with others?
  11. It’s almost as if we shouldn’t care if someone gets high as long as they aren’t high while performing their job?
  12. Dank af
  13. I MADE THIS THREAD BUT ITS ACTUALLY HARD TO DECIDE For 2016 it was easily Westworld. Game of Thrones was a dissappointment for me personally. I guess mine is Legion, or The Leftovers. Waddabout u?
  14. I do have SFV on PC but it runs like shiiiiiiiiiiiit. I'm getting a new card soon.
  15. I often kick boxes in the warehouse, but it's usually accidentally...
  16. I have some edibles, but I don't have time most evenings to wait on it to work.
  17. I wish watching stuff did it but I just have to dull my senses right now. Work occupies my mind, but when it gets quiet I start to think, and thinking is bad.
  18. I'm not even joking. I need to know your methods for calming yourself down other than pounding as much alcohol as your body can take.
  19. Chrono Trigger Mega Man 2 Hearthstone Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Ultra Street Fighter 4 Breath of the Wild...maybe
  20. *javascript that makes it say your username when you read this post*
  21. Opal. It knocked down a tree in my parents' yard, but I got out of school for two days.
  22. I remember when you were a kid, and I thought, "This guy might turn out to be normal." Someday I'll be a better judge of character.
  23. Sorry everyone, just responding to all threads I got tagged in because I'm a whore...anyway... On Lithium, as you probably all remember, mods could log into anyone's account and post on it without knowing their password. Because of how the transfer from Prospero to Lithium happened, there were a lot of "registered" legacy accounts that came with it, that were never actually logged into. Comrad was my first alt account, because I was prepping for being banned under Nickolai (ironic, since I was eventually admin). So, Comrad got transferred over to Lithium, but I never actually logged in on it, thus it never had a log in or an IP. Thus, he became the most infamous hacker on the internet. The end?
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