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Everything posted by enad

  1. I think this calls for a new YouTube deep throating video.
  2. All the Marvel movies going forward.
  3. I very much doubt that's the case. As far as surgery is go knee surgery is about as routine as these things get. I suspect you'll be tender for a time after the ordeal but long-term you'll be in much less pain.
  4. Find a boss who is sensible enough to stay single.
  5. Your first surgical procedure is always something that touches you and gives you a sense of your mortality. I was freaking out when I had to get a titanium peg put in my jaw bone for a dental implant. The anticipation is always worse than the actual procedure. And I say that having been completely awake and aware for my surgeon using a torque wrench on my jaw bone. Honestly it sounds like the most painful part will be the bill.
  6. Jurassic Park 3 was terrible, but it was also a lot better than Jurassic World, which was vomitous.
  7. I wasn't really looking for you to deep throat a banana. But do you think you could post a video of yourself like, breaking a coconut open with a jagged rock?
  8. Real women look like Elian Gonzalez.
  9. Can you post a video on YouTube of yourself eating fruit?
  10. Not since Fuggs has one vagina caused so much malaise.
  11. They all eventually just become your toilet anyway.
  12. enad

    Is this a boil?

    Yea that looks trashy as shit.
  13. enad

    Is this a boil?

    However the method of cooking doesn't ameliorate the inherent danger of serving opossum for Thanksgiving dinner.
  14. I was expecting (read: hoping) this thread was going to be about your BP fluctuations.
  15. Like a death mask.
  16. Comet and Blitzen.
  17. Keep it holey.
  18. I see you're not one to tip.
  19. He was jealous in defense of his (one) piece.
  20. I miss him so much. Where did he go?
  21. Yea well Star Wars has never been popular in China (except for slave labor toy manufacturing), and on top of that the movie is frustrating and unfulfilling.
  22. I'll see it when it's on Netflix or something. I still haven't seen the Avengers or Thor or Captain America sequels. If i'm dragging my heels that much for white people imagine how long it's going to take me to watch this.
  23. That's only because you kill after mating.
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