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Everything posted by enad

  1. You think his dad got blown away yet?
  2. That you go to church is a perfect picture of why the wood it takes to make them is better off as toothpicks. Also the thought of you contracting skin cancer is making my cock throb.
  3. Beware that after you shoot yourself in a fit of incel storm misery they may have to put up with a fouler-than-usual odor while they cart out all your second-hand Silent Bob jackets?
  4. enad


    When you're in a natural disaster like a hurricane common mores fall by the wayside in the face of procuring human necessities.
  5. Are you offering condolences or imitating the sound of his jeans when he bends down to put on his galoshes?
  6. I never watched Rogue One because I found the premise uninteresting.
  7. It's just hitting a little too close to home.
  8. By that you mean whatever garbage you find in your yard? I believe it.
  9. enad


    Jesus Christ
  10. http://southpark.cc.com/clips/155183/first-taste-of-new-chef
  11. I've only watched it once, as the Iron Law of Abrams states that you enjoy JJ Abrams' movies less with every subsequent viewing.
  12. You know it's the only way your room was ever getting vacuumed.
  13. He's got a point about you being black though.
  14. It'll be great when the wall is built and blocks the view of their unsightly rubble.
  15. The new Star Trek is going to be on Netflix, and I'm looking forward to that mess.
  16. You gotta tap that diaspora.
  17. enad


    Identity is my favorite J.C. movie.
  18. I'll take up the challenge.
  19. He's like if you gave Tom DuBois the accent from Blood Diamond.
  20. You personally might find you could accomplish both by watching 12 Years a Slave.
  21. Strap your shit Vipey.
  22. I still have the basketball they would give you after a certain sticker threshold. The program was called Book It, and despite lack of advertising apparently it still exists in some form. http://www.bookitprogram.com/
  23. No but a new pregnancy would distract you for a long while.
  24. Racists feel too comfortable in the Trump era.
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