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Everything posted by enad

  1. Stephen Colbert must be very bored with his job.
  2. If you use Tor you're fine.
  3. You're only making the frog pink because of your constrained perceptions of gender norms.
  4. A name doesn't come to mind and I don't know that I would recognize the alt. Who is it? Why would someone not think you are female?
  5. Who does he think you talk to and joke around with?
  6. The world has real heroes. They just don't wear capes.
  7. It sounds like something you would do.
  8. Why do you think that he is so singularly fixated on you?
  9. She wears the chain she forged in life.
  10. Whoa whoa there's no call for this. By the way did you see that Sponges has a new fanfic?
  11. A master piece of shit.
  12. Donald Trump
  13. Viper is feeling vulnerable.
  14. It was shit.
  15. I only get the slits then too. It's because they perceive freedom is near.
  16. Does that "2" mean the number of people who have seen your dick or does it mean "also"?
  17. They only dress like that because they don't want to see the truth when they fuck.
  18. Niluigi
  19. DLC has unfortunately only progressed so far!
  20. Never do something you're good at for free, ghostrek.
  21. Well we know it wasn't you because the smegma would have turned to lava once it exploded out of your volcano.
  22. You're just saying that because she's black.
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