You have every reason to be terrified. Since Trump doesn't know what he's doing Mike Pence is going to be setting American domestic policy. That's...shocking.
Debbie Reynolds, her mom, has been rushed to the hospital for a stroke.
Trump is going to get assassinated because his private security force he insists on having is not equal to the task of protecting him in his giant glass tower he insists on living in during the weekends.
And no, that's not a premise for an erotic fanfic I'm writing. I'm legit worried about that and the fallout it would cause.
This is very true. Let us list all the famous guys she fucked to commemorate her memory.
Harrison Ford.
Robert Evans.
Probably the key grip on the set of When Harry Met Sally.
I didn't realize there was still a company producing VCR's up until this year. I assumed that went the way of the BUSHPHONE long ago.
Also lol at my Fi service being on my Nexus starting earlier this autumn.
I noticed they have a "letters" section on the website now. I'm considering writing in to let them know that I steal all of their content, as none of the excrement they produce is worth perfectly good money. Or maybe I'll go to their Reddit (since that's where they want us to hang out) and just start spamming a new bootleg link thread for every individual episode of Family Guy.