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Everything posted by enad

  1. See? I knew you were fuggs.
  2. You're just saying that because she's black.
  3. Actually it's because they're both writers.
  4. I nominate Sorce, since fuggs was her alt anyway.
  5. You're just saying that because she's black.
  6. enad

    Love you all

    Oh, then I can see why you're overly sentimental today.
  7. enad

    Love you all

    Who are you?
  8. Job creation is worse under Trump and the price per barrel of oil has nearly quadrupled, not that you or any cretinous diaper-filling channer mutant conservative like you is going let facts get in the way of your incoherent blathering. The good news is you've been deemed smart enough to actually work in Republican politics, which means as long as people who rightfully hate you can deduce the convoluted differences between chocolate and feces they should be fine.
  9. The Great Wall has nothing on the demarcating prowess of your warboner.
  10. You're just saying that because she's black.
  11. You're just saying that because she's black.
  12. You're just saying that because she's black.
  13. You're just saying that because she's black.
  14. You're just saying that because she's black.
  15. It's a popular time for girls to pretend they're virgins.
  16. He could have a signature catchphrase when he orgasms too. Like, "waht? ok"
  17. You've been living in Wisconsin for so long you're just Animorphing into cheese now.
  18. The idea is that a guy who can walk on water means at least one brown person survives the next hurricane.
  19. The unfortunate part is that it wasn't you.
  20. That's because North Korea doesn't have any black people. Apart from Dennis Rodman.
  21. What holiday is today?
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