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Everything posted by enad

  1. For someone named after a cartoon witch doctor you're surprisingly racist, Mumbo.
  2. You can't put a price on some things.
  3. Can I have it if she doesn't want anymore?
  4. Personally I enjoy it when your mom pisses too.
  5. I certainly didn't intend for him to go Full Mumbo.
  6. Mumbo #5
  7. I remember once considering a job in Seattle before I took a real look at rental prices. No thanks.
  8. Only upside sex is never hotter than when you're pointing a gun at her head, so at least he can make up for lost time.
  9. Now that's the Jim Norton I remember.
  10. Eh I don't want to plant evidence.
  11. I will cop to it, but in my defense I had just finished reading about mochi's dejected living situation.
  12. You shouldn't. I'm like your mother in that I can only come up short bus.
  13. Yes but I'm already cooking eggs.
  14. That wasn't the answer I expected but I am happy to see it.
  15. Did your dog smear a poop streak by dragging its butt across the carpet? Or your mother?
  16. What did you do with the other bedroom?
  17. How do we know how old he actually is? Someone should chop his Redwood down and count the rings.
  18. That's a hurtful word. Plus from the sound of it she might as well be. At least then you could collect some disability.
  19. Is he requesting his last meal be your beef curtains?
  20. A Rose by Any Other Name will scoop your brains out for her Grandpa to take your verile young shell.
  21. If your mother is dumb she could always become a Walmart greeter or something. Seeing mental invalids as you come in to the store encourages you to buy things.
  22. By the way you're going to find incels in every econ class, so just get used to it. Economics is the Alchemy of incels.
  23. He certainly didn't give them them to Kanye! Thank you.
  24. What did Dr. West Wing do with the black brains?
  25. You talk to your viewership too often. It's healthier for celebrities to keep a certain distance from their fans.
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