Yup, I'm single but will eventually have my shit together to have more independence and start thinking about a long term relationship again. In the meantime, I take advantage of the fact that I have access to a large group of people with steady marriages and store mental notes on how they do it.
No, but I'm surrounded by happily married friends who all have well set boundaries with their in-laws, especially when it comes to big things like giving little to no notice about house visitors. Admittedly, most of their parents are chill and not everyone has family who are that considerate. But still.......WUSSY!
Goddamn you sons of bitches, don't piss off the good translators who do daily releases! Now it's password protected and I have to wait for them to verify a registered account.
Packie reminds me of this dude on 4chan in /ck/ years ago who used to post crappy food pics like this as if they were gourmet dishes with a bottle of pink Himalayan salt next to them.