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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. After watching this movie, gaslighting to that extent became one of the few things I would kill someone over without being physically attacked first.
  2. I'll attempt this when my back feels better.
  3. Why y'all gotta make me feel old?
  4. The only thing to understand is this path leads to misery.
  5. I am curious what that thing looks like under a black light.
  6. Asteroids or Super Mario Brothers.
  7. But...but..pecans and the withered nipples fruit?
  8. NOOO! Why you ruin nice things?
  9. Have fun writing!
  10. That's not a roll. That's a fucking cake!
  11. That's what I'm doing next weekend when I'll have less work to do and won't be stressed out enough to make any big mistakes.
  12. Today was my first time playing it. Oh god, that song does get stuck in your head. I'll do this later when I have the attention span to not die instantly.
  13. It took all of my folders out of PC and moved them into Onedrive. I didn't even notice until I tried to open a picture and realized its original folder was empty. Then I clicked Onedrive out of suspicion and there were all of my folders except for Dropbox. It now has Onedrive as the default save spot, so I have to change that too.
  14. I don't know what you guys aren't getting when I'm saying that it was a forced update despite settings. As in it ignored ALL of the restart options that I had set, including active hours and scheduled updates. And after the last update, it won't even let me set a schedule or set active hours again. While I'm not literally being forced to use Onedrive, I'm not looking forward to playing musical folders with it every time a new update hits. That's just more wasted energy.
  15. They used to be good, but then they fucked up the recipe to save a few dollars.
  16. I didn't upgrade anything. This is a new laptop, so I was stuck with Windows 10 to begin with. The sleep/hibernation issues and forced restarts no matter what your settings are on are hell for anyone who mainly uses a laptop, works odd hours, runs several programs at once, constantly making new files, reliant on the settings chosen to keep software working properly, and have to use social media for research. Essentially, Windows 10 is a pain in the ass if you write or do art full time, and it feels like they did little testing for people who have those occupations. There's zero thought about this, and I see it with Microsoft pushing people to use Onedrive. Before the Fall Creators update, I disabled it because it was slowing down my laptop's performance. After that big update, it moved all of my files except for the Dropbox ones into Onedrive. Onedrive is not reliable enough for me to use especially since I see too many fucked over by losing years of work from a bad sync. I have bad health and little energy, and it's frustrating having to deal with these problems after every update because 'Microsoft knows best'.
  17. Uber has too many previous cases of shoddy background checks that any good lawyer can work with even if the driver gave inaccurate data.
  18. Aannnnnnd the settlement just went up.
  19. Pretty much this.
  20. When did I say anything about Windows 7? The dipshit you quoted was arguing that Windows 10 was totally perfect and that if people were having problems with it, it totally wasn't Microsoft's fault contrary to many people having the same issues. I'm pissed because I'm having a bad pain day, and I've got no patience for the 'You brought this on yourself for not building your own computer and buying a laptop' bullshit opinion which totally disregards the fact that not everyone has the time, strength, energy, or money to do that.
  21. You might want to be more specific because sharing views like, "Ermahgerd, it's your fault for not building your own computer," makes you sound like a privileged douchebag.
  22. My skills are weaksauce right now, but maybe after a while I'll post something I don't hate.
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