I didn't upgrade anything. This is a new laptop, so I was stuck with Windows 10 to begin with. The sleep/hibernation issues and forced restarts no matter what your settings are on are hell for anyone who mainly uses a laptop, works odd hours, runs several programs at once, constantly making new files, reliant on the settings chosen to keep software working properly, and have to use social media for research. Essentially, Windows 10 is a pain in the ass if you write or do art full time, and it feels like they did little testing for people who have those occupations. There's zero thought about this, and I see it with Microsoft pushing people to use Onedrive. Before the Fall Creators update, I disabled it because it was slowing down my laptop's performance. After that big update, it moved all of my files except for the Dropbox ones into Onedrive. Onedrive is not reliable enough for me to use especially since I see too many fucked over by losing years of work from a bad sync. I have bad health and little energy, and it's frustrating having to deal with these problems after every update because 'Microsoft knows best'.