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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I've had a tv in my room since I was five. Admittedly that was probably because my parents really didn't want to watch my shows or movies. Didn't have my own computer until the end of high school. Before then, there was just one computer in the living room or my brother's room that sat empty after he went into the Army.
  2. Pretty much these two reasons. The news is constantly filled with the mass murder of kids, so yeah, a black woman becoming a duchess after taming a bad boy prince is a nice distraction. Especially since our country ain't footing that bill.
  3. I also remember enjoying it way more than I expected like the robot fight. Don't know if it aged well though.
  4. So why were you included in the email?
  5. Why can't you say that you had nothing to do with that email in a timely manner?
  6. This is probably one of the most used scifi tropes. I'm only stubbornly putting this in a book because it's a shoutout to 1950's-60's invasion movies.
  7. I was forced to be a full adult at 19 because of my stupid health issues. It's not that great always having to be responsible and on top of things. Except for laundry. I do that properly because I spent money on nice cardigans and blouses, and they're gonna stay nice goddammit.
  8. I have OCD. This is the kind of shit that would make me throw someone into a wall or through a fucking window.
  9. I had no clue. Does she squat on people's profiles or something?
  10. Dane was putting out feelers to start some shit, so you just told on yourself for no reason.
  11. Too busy writing porn, so y'all have fun.
  12. The battle to top each other would be entertaining to watch.
  13. Clone yourself. That should work.
  14. Shape of Water, and it's not on Netflix. You got my hopes up for nuthin'.
  15. I don't even have the guts to watch it yet. It does look like a great show.
  16. I've seen how this plays out, Bouvre. That letter probably said, "We do it tonight." You totally delivered the secret murder signal to that woman's lover, and the boss/husband is dead now. *Shakes head in disgust* That delicious caffeine was bought with blood money.
  17. You're so nice, Scoob. In my scenario, the yeti doesn't even bother lying, it just eats him.
  18. I'm imagining Sponges going up to a yeti because he thinks it's a snow monkey.
  19. Yeah, it really doesn't take thirty minutes to explain why someone is an asshole.
  20. Due to the length of the videos for some of the topics she talked about, that's an automatic no for me. I did try to watch a video, but her voice has this boring unchanging tone that almost put me to sleep in the first minute. She also talks in word blocks without any good pauses. Her channel gets a lot of views so some people are into it.
  21. I never knew who he was until I clicked a one of his videos posted here. I'm not really thankful for that.
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