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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I'll put celery in chicken salad, but not potato salad.
  2. Outside of family, friends, and working utilities, being able to have Clip Studio Paint and a drawing tablet which lets me do art despite my fucked up joints. It's still crappy art, but I can feel myself improving faster than I would have with just paper and pencil.
  3. Not specifically. After Ultimate, I just wasn't in the mood for more disappointment.
  4. The second half of my post is why reading or watching more just isn't a priority for me.
  5. Why would I have anything disabled for a unscheduled update while I'm not home and the laptop is in hibernation?
  6. You made a bracket and put money on it. You're a sports person.
  7. Walter's storyline in Ultimate pissed me off so much, but most of the second half felt too tryhard edgy anyways.
  8. Yes, Viper, it's totally on my end that the Fall Creators update is so fucked up that people had to give out warnings about that shit. That last big update was unscheduled so my laptop woke up out of hibernation and updated when I wasn't home while everything was still running and fucked my shit up. It's not on my end that Microsoft is run by a bunch of dickholes who want to treat customers like toddlers who need their hands held and forces settings to their liking after every update despite having zero knowledge of what the computer is mainly used for, its software, or have any idea that not everyone can just lose half a day of work waiting for the update to finally end. I have to take time that I really don't have to roll back to an earlier update just so my laptop doesn't go into sleep mode every three minutes of no activity. Even people who went through the update process properly have that exact same problem, and I see tech folks constantly complaining about all the repairs they had to do because of that update so excuse me if you spend too much time with your head up your ass to notice that Windows 10 is nowhere near being perfect.
  9. I need that money spent on Neo Yokio season 2 first, so wait your turn on trashy entertaining shows.
  10. Most of the time without mustard except for this one hot potato salad with honey mustard dressing that I never did track down the recipe for.
  11. The kitchen to fix something nice so I don't feel bad about having nowhere to go.
  12. The Turkey Shoot was actually fun.
  13. Maybe ask the sportsy folks if they want to organize something like that next year. Of course you gotta come up with other contests for rest of us too. Go down this path of misery, Pat.
  14. I love corned beef, but I can't afford it for a while .
  15. It was very helpful advice I got while starting to have more of a presence online, so I'm passing it forward.
  16. 1. Accept your awesomeness. You get out and do stuff and create pretty art. You deserve to celebrate that. 2. Some insecurities can be legitimate like for example how you feel about selling in a shop. That is a real concern, but manage those insecurities by doing as much research as you can to make a decision either way. 3. DO...NOT...CALL...YOUR...WORK...SHIT. NO! That's tearing down your own hard work, and you'd be surprised how many potential customers are annoyed by that kind of thing. This is part of the "fake it 'til you make it" advice. Unless you think there is something actually wrong with a piece, swallow down your doubts and lie like a dog about how confident you are in it.
  17. I want to take a crowbar to all the knees of those responsible for Windows 10.
  18. Haikyuu season 3 episode 9
  19. Okay, my last one:
  20. It'll be years before I'm bored enough to watch Sword Art Online and understand this reference, so *shrugs*.
  21. The last lady might just be crazy.
  22. I've been laughing at these for a while, but you have to be careful looking at the side recs because some are deadly car accidents.
  23. I love Mama noodles. I got a box of pork ones from the Korean market and will get the shrimp next time. Neither of them seemed spicy enough to me that I would picture someone crying after tasting them, but I know people who are absolute wussies when it comes to spicy stuff.
  24. I knew that just because there were two hot dogs. That's two more meals wasted in that container. Oh and that looks like more than one ramen package. Negro, do you think money grows on trees?
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