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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. It did the job of getting me back to a functioning human being when my depression and OCD were really bad, but beware the withdrawal symptoms from that sucker, @TrigunBebop.
  2. Ah, Zoloft. That shit gave me realistic Hellraiser gore nightmares if I missed a dosage.
  3. The drunk drivers certainly are in my area. That's one of the top annoyances of living off of a state highway during drinking holidays.
  4. My brother lives in Atlanta and refuses to go to our theater in the boonies because he's spoiled by the fancy ones.
  5. Avoid drunk white people.
  6. That's why I usually do early showings, but it doesn't have that midnight hour feel to it. Just a bunch of other people who don't want to fool with crowds or pay higher ticket prices.
  7. When I was younger, I loved the atmosphere of leaving the theater after the last showing and the parking lot is nearly empty. Thirties me though ain't watching no late ass movie unless it's from the comfort of my bed.
  8. I need to make a steak today, so I can wipe this image from my head.
  9. I'm having a good couple of days.
  10. Live action can't offer a just as well done series like Ghost in the Shell, One Punch Man, Gintama, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto(say what you will, but some of its fight scenes are still boss), or any mecha show without losing quality from special effects or someone dying from trying to pull off the stunts. Even though America does have an abundance of good live action shows right now, we would absolutely butcher any attempt to make our own versions of March Comes in Like a Lion or My Hero Academia because our country's style of writing teenagers is so fucking lazy. In general, screenwriting here is very lazy when it comes to dramatic tropes such as married main characters always being in affairs while being shitty parents to idiot rebellious teenagers who you wish would just disappear. That shit is primarily why I'm usually watching more anime than live action shows. And yes there are live action scifi/fantasy shows where a group of outcasts meet and go on adventures or save the world, but most of the good ones get cancelled. Oh and anime is the only time I've sobbed like a little bitch and continue to tear up while just trying to describe the ending of a goddamn board game show.
  11. At my store, someone will always pass forward the cart that a person was too lazy to get their quarter back from, so we don't have to go through the drama of inserting a coin to unlock one.
  12. It's either this because I can't remember a time of my life when it didn't get airtime on the radio: or this because I've obsessively listened to it since I was little:
  13. I think boobs going up 1 cup size is normal especially if you're exercising or if you've changed your diet. Or pretty much anything that'll affect your hormones because human bodies are fucking weird.
  14. I definitely agree with the old photos thing. Our bodies change over the years, and it's easier to have a realistic mindset when it comes to losing weight. It was easier for me just to accept that my boobs alone are one reason why I'll never fit a small anything anymore and bagged a bunch of clothes with zero regrets.
  15. Pretty important. Cellphones give me the ability to write notes wherever I am or respond to my publisher quickly if something happens, and the top reason is if I have a medical emergency outside of the house.
  16. I got long cardigans for a lazy writer look at home, and I'm looking at 40's-50's style dresses on amazon for going out.
  17. It's some black eyebrow lined with white, some eyeshadow, a little highlight, and a green ponytail. Goddamn, y'all need to meet more people. Actually on topic, I'm also trying to figure out my new style after weight loss. I got called a goth a lot back in the day since I mostly wore black and had a bunch of clunky boots, but I've bought more colors and flowery stuff lately.
  18. They do have the regular fried pickle discs.
  19. I have shitty joints so frying potatoes of any kind are a bitch to deal with for me. Getting someone else to do the work is way more satisfying, but there are very few places nearby whose fries are perfectly cooked and seasoned. So yeah, when I can get hassle free delicious fries, I will go gaga over that shit.
  20. Our Smashburger can be meh to great depending on who's working the grill. I discovered that during most of the week, the burgers are cooked well done and the fries are less crispy, but on Sunday I'm more likely to get a medium temp burger perfectly spiced with golden fries.
  21. This person seems awesome, so screw y'all.
  22. Meprozine - floaty plus hallucinations. This was the only painkiller that didn't make me puke my guts out or cause more stomach pain, so that's probably why it's also the only one I can remember getting me high.
  23. I'm imagining Rogue's wang as a trampoline because of this. Or maybe like a penis diving board.
  24. I want the money that you can get from fame.
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