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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Fate/Zero 14. Caster and his master are crazy as fuck.
  2. Fate/Zero 8 I'll probably finish the first season today, start the 2nd one tonight or tomorrow, and then roll into Unlimited Blade Works once I've done enough work to earn more free time.
  3. Here are some yaoi/shounen ai manga recs: Himegoto Asobi Cafe Latte Rhapsody Tea for Two Kouun no Rihatsushi Mr. Mini Mart Jinjuu Houretsuden Koketsu Dining What Did You Eat Yesterday
  4. We get it, you're done with Star Wars after the fifth time you've said it. How about changing it up for once and saying why(even though I'm pretty sure I know the reason you hate the reboots so much)?
  5. I have no clue because I ragequit a little after a third into the movie.
  6. It's a channel started by Robert Rodriguez that plays a lot of martial arts movies, lucha underground, horror flicks, monster movies, and airs the tv version of From Dusk Till Dawn. The channel also does cutesy names for their marathons like: I watched a lot of El Rey when it first launched on Directv a few years ago, but I've gotten too busy and haven't watched much of any tv lately.
  7. It's a cover of Nature Boy by Nat King Cole. I think folks my age and younger are probably more familiar with the David Bowie cover from Moulin Rouge. I saw the android dude from Prometheus in the preview, so I guess that's the tie-in.
  8. Hard pass. It looks boring as hell and pointless. Why is it so hard for folks to pull off another Alien movie? And I'm now using slow creepy covers of songs as high indicators of shittiness.
  9. Because there are people who will pay those prices. That's it.
  10. If I had money to afford it, that Samsung camera would have been nice to have. I'm meh on everything else except the Apple headphones jack removal that annoys me because of douchebaggery.
  11. Yeah, Yuri's demeanor during that conversation was why I trusted how the showrunners would handle it. That trust was hard to give though because like you I've been burned multiple times(xxxHolic's bullshit ending), but I wanted to have faith in Yuri on Ice not screwing fans over. As for the ending, the last episode thankfully wasn't as rushed as episode 11 but still felt over too quickly. One fun thing about watching such a viral show is what other viewers caught. Like I hadn't realized Yuri's and Victor's beds were pushed together as a subtle hint that they were banging each other until multiple people pointed it out in screencaptures. Yes, more obvious cues would have been nice, but I think the story made up for that. That twist in the comedic dance off credits makes me want to do a rewatch soon just to see it after knowing what was revealed.
  12. I got a bunch of stuff from the Rightstuf sale that I was too poor to afford earlier. GitS 2nd GIG Genshiken season 1 and ova Clannad and Afterstory Claymore Full Metal Panic Fumoffu Captain Tylor TV Kobato Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne Antique Bakery Attack on Titan part 1 Gokusen I was tempted by the Natsume Yuujinchou dvds, but I'll wait until I can afford the premium editions. I'm also still eyeing the Death Note Omega blu ray edition.
  13. And? Y'all can avoid his threads if it bothers you so much, and Mochi going on about gay stuff is way better than your racist rants. Back to the relevant topic, I can't wait for the new episode to drop.
  14. They didn't end their relationship. This was more about Yuri assuming that Viktor wants to skate competitively again and is offering him that chance. From the way Yuri said it while smiling and not being overly dramatic about it, I think the show was at least trying to indicate that the rest of the conversation probably won't end in a soap opera break up.
  15. Zushi is so cute, and I liked Wing's response to it too.
  16. I think the last episode I watched was somewhere in the early 700s. I also take long breaks, so I can do binges in my downtime.
  17. I hate potentially having to suffer for the shitty decisions of other people. Why is it so hard for half the country, or god help us more than that, realize if a man makes a living fucking over people, that's exactly what he's going to do in office? Make America great again. The man won't even pay kids he hired to help him campaign. I mean I get that our education system is fucked up, but why on earth would sane white middle class and poorer allow their hatred of minorities to surpass basic common sense? These are the kind of people who end up bankrupt by the shady shit he does, but brown people are bad so that makes it okay. And even if Hillary wins, I won't be able to stop thinking about the millions of people who would rather shoot themselves in the foot for a president who will just say or do all of the godawful things they've fenced up in the back of their minds.
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