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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. What's the grossest thing a customer has asked you to make?
  2. 2/10 Unoriginal material.
  3. Um excuse you, but Ursula was fucking awesome, Jasmine had a tiger, and Maleficent turned into a goddamned dragon. Robin Hood deserves respect too for being a hottie who turned folks into furries. I WILL FIGHT YOU!
  4. After sending Myanimelist a new email account to reset the password, I was able to sign into my account and import the list into Anilist, but I'll double check to see if there's anything missing later in the week because I'm too friggin busy. In the future, I'll update both sites to play it safe.
  5. I'll drink a vodka or honey bourbon cocktail when I'm super stressed or in a lot of pain, but I usually write sober.
  6. I'm sorry for your loss. That's one of the shittiest things about getting older is seeing your relatives pass.
  7. I hate the way my mind works. It's gonna be weeks before I can hear "Diva" playing without automatically seeing images of that dude.
  8. This has my attention.
  9. Awww, to be racist and not have a youth filled with great movies like New Jack City. Such a sad racist life.
  10. Your life depresses me. Everything you have is terrible.
  11. I love baked beans, but that was after moving to Georgia and discovering what they taste like when someone knows what the fuck they're doing.
  12. This site bites. Let me delete my double posts, darn it!
  13. Totally didn't expect this answer but the damage isn't surprising because that sharp ass metal is just waiting to get ya. Pull tab cans make me so paranoid when I'm opening them.
  14. There are people into that.
  15. That's good to know. My list still won't come up, so I'll wait a few days to check again.
  16. Did you have to reset your password?
  17. Happy Belated Birthday Buu!
  18. I'm sorry for your loss, and you don't have to respond to any of this. Your dad wanted one more day of happiness and got it, so that's really something too.
  19. Look I get not liking it, but if it tastes like sweaty balls, that is shitty coffee.
  20. What kind of coffee have you tried?
  21. Free Gintama Maybe pile: Aguu: Tensai Ningyou Banana Fish Hataraku Saibou Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes Tsukumogami Kashimasu Hanebado would be my thing except for the boobs bouncing. That kind of shit just really annoys me in what could be a really good sports anime.
  22. Realizing that I'm almost done with these goddamn mother fucking edits. Never mind. I got new fanart last night. I'm gonna go cry from happiness.
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