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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. C'mon FuggBuddy, why can't y'all just fuck and ruin each other's lives for our entertainment?
  2. You are so lucky. The small and megachurches around here are super packed, and to avoid getting trapped, you have to get the fuck away from any of them once you see the cops roll out to direct traffic. I'm not surprised about the fees. Living in the south has left me totally jaded about churches.
  3. Disco's right. Georgia is very shitty about food/alcohol regulations and they become less severe over the years in clusters of cities or counties. Like for example in my city, we have few restaurants besides fast food because you can't sell booze near a church. There are churches on almost every goddamn street.
  4. I'm totally good with fattening stuff and love fried seafood. The time you got a strong no from me about food was when your avatar was the lobster 'n' waffles pic.
  5. What did you do to their toilet?
  6. I'd eat this. I stopped talking shit about food trucks after Georgia started getting some good ones.
  7. How many times have you changed your signature pic this week?
  8. I used that song for Mix!
  9. Every time I see images from this game, that annoying ass little girl saying, "Michael!" always pops into my head.
  10. Man, we couldn't get our drink on when it was Sunday until the end of last year. Conservatives need to go eat a donkey dick and stay the fuck out of everybody else's business.
  11. I like using hot sauce in some things while I'm cooking, but I'm not a big fan of putting it on food afterwards except for maybe eggs every now and then.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. To this day, I still wish I could slash the asshole boot camp doctor's eyes with a broken glass bottle because he ignored the agony I was in for months due to showing a few signs of depression. I had severe pain in my stomach, was vomiting, could barely eat or drink water, and every visit this mother fucker kept trying to tell me the pain was psychological. Separating from the Air Force was the only way I could see a good doctor and receive treatment for what turned out to be a pretty bad stomach infection. Fuggs started this with a bullshit post, but Mthor is right about quacks who blow off symptoms of patients if they even think you have a mental illness.
  14. That victim at Wendy's might get a pretty nice check because of mismanagement that led to guy being able to bring a shotgun to work.
  15. Mostly for the folks I didn't interact with much.
  16. What were your avatars back then? I recognize those more than names.
  17. Summer has some nice stuff. Watching fireflies, having toads come visit, enjoying ice cream or lemonade on a hot day, and grilling is fun too. The heat sucks though and so does being surrounded by my deadly allergy every time I leave the house.
  18. You're so weak. Fine. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Space Dandy, and One Punch Man. I don't think you needed to watch Full Metal Panic to grasp what's happening in Fumoffu.
  19. Have you watched Gintama, Space Brothers, or The Disastrous Life of Saiki K?
  20. One of my favorite all time fighting duos since they are mother and son. This was the best video, and yeah I know the subtitles are fucked. At the end, I think the mother's last line is supposed to be, "Why are you still blocking?" or something like that. This scene stuck with me for years and was inspiration for the badass mother and son duo in my first book.
  21. Acceptable. But if my mom was kidnapped, the ensuing violence is gonna look like an episode of Hannibal with some dude in the background saying, "This is my design." I wish braids weren't such a pain to maintain. Won't be rocking any again until I can afford wigs.
  22. Reading this answer while eating food with white sauces wasn't a great idea.
  23. I saw this for the first time last year. Robert Mitchum could be creepy as fuck. I absolutely adore this movie.
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