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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Tsar ruins everything. I'll still post this though: Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes That make me think the wrong thing
  2. Or any friggin Miyazaki movie.
  3. Where have you had fried chicken from?
  4. I love that conservadouches are so easily identifiable that you can avoid them on sight. Myself and most of my friends don't give a shit about Guardian Spice or whatever it's called, but I'm starting to want it to last several seasons just because of all the bitching. Also, why is this shit over 16 minutes? You can squash what they're really angry about into a few sentences. "An animated show by SJWs probably won't have panty shots of underage female characters. RAAAAGGGGE!"
  5. I was in my twenties before I ever knew that Patrick Swayze did this song.
  6. It's must be nice to still be this glib when children were thrown into concentration camps thanks to Trump along with a big jump in hate crimes. Then again, none of this affects you, so I understand why you don't care.
  7. Scoob did it.
  8. No. Voting for a con man with hundreds of lawsuits against him for fraud, multiple rape allegations against him, and with known white supremacists in his cabinet because you thought he would lower your health insurance will always make you the bigger batshit dumbfuck.
  9. Y'all take that shit too far by saying her kid deserves to be molested though. Like, there are dozens of angles to go at her without sinking to that level.
  10. I'll help you out, Disco. All you have to do is look up "Stucky" on tumblr, and that will catch you up on everything you need to know about Captain America and the Winter Soldier.
  11. He's said it outright before. I'm not digging for threads because the posts were probably deleted.
  12. When you're trying to be oh so edgy.
  13. Asshole money dude who uses the n word but is totally a nice guy. Whatever happened to the shot glass?
  14. If you see a name that's Dane with the letters mixed up, he's a shock jock and may try to test your limits. Don't share personal info with Fuggs. Don't bother to debate Bucket. It's not worth it. Our resident crazy person is Spindack/JM Matthews. Jingai/Ginguy is probably a neo-nazi.
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