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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. He's not. What determines a movie to be great can be very subjective, especially since movies are as flawed as the humans who make them. Throw in cultural differences about love, death, aging, youth, wealth, poverty, war, etc. and that's before getting into the different types of plots, writing, acting skills, and cinematography that some people prefer over others. Also, no one compares superhero movies to Bergman's or Bresson's films, which makes Hawke sound like a bigger douche.
  2. He is being a snob. Superhero movies are popular and whining about people thinking they're great won't change that. And even though I love Gattaca, someone who wasted years filming that shitty ass movie Boyhood isn't in a position to bitch about other people's questionable movie opinions.
  3. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    We have a ton of sunkern in Georgia. Is there some kind of slugma event? Those things just popped up everywhere.
  4. The prize for saying "I know who it is but won't say it, tee hee hee."
  5. I don't keep up with who's single or not either. That's why you go with the more specific clues. The pics won't load, but I remember a few posters talking about growing tomatoes. Too bad my memory is shit at remembering anything useful. @Doom Metal Alchemist got the win though.
  6. Dammit, I forgot to post my guess earlier because I wasn't home and running out of charge on my phone. Midnight said that he had a garden in his diet thread, and I remembered Disco's garden pics.
  7. It would look a lot better and knock off some calories if you weren't using so much mayo in your coleslaw. One part of losing weight without really changing too much of what I eat has been not being heavy handed with sauces.
  8. Oh and how do you feel about white people saying the n word?
  9. What the hell is that 1st pic?
  10. Does your wife talk about Fuggs?
  11. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I was laughing this morning because the last gift you sent me made me level up through the power of friendship. That's just so pokemon.
  12. Happy Birthday Pat!
  13. Imma be mad if I order a creme brulee and get fed this Sandra Lee dish.
  14. I don't fuck with IFC anymore. The commercials annoyed me at first, but I understood that they needed that money. What pissed me off was them lying about not cutting movies for time which they fucking do. Totally killed the vibe while watching The Protector and the best fucking fight scene was shortened . They also put in zero fucking effort of knowing where to place commercial breaks during action movies. Beetlejuice is still awesome. I didn't expect it to age as well as it did and keep meaning to watch the cartoon again.
  15. Why did you run out?
  16. I winced as soon as I read the title. Big and small, writing groups can be so much drama. It's better that someone who cares is running it now, so good luck.
  17. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Yeeesss, I caught a Snorlax. I ain't even mad that I had to throw a bunch of fruit at it. No more catching rat pokemon though because the shadow outline of its evolved form tricked me into thinking it was gonna be all cute and hamster-like. It ended up being some Island of Dr. Moreau type shit, and I lost all motivation to ever catch another one.
  18. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I did figure out that I could combine lucky egg and incense after a while. I think the fruit is a lie though.
  19. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Yeah but chikoritas look cute, so I can't get mad at them. You guys are killing me with sweetness because of the gifts . I'm gonna remember to pay it forward when I have graduated from being a newb.
  20. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Hey, Pat, thanks for the stardust! Oh and you guys, I went out for breakfast with my family, and the server saw me playing Pokemon Go. He sidled over to me very shyly to ask how many Eevee did I get yesterday. The looks from my brother and mom were hilarious. I could tell they were thinking, 'Goddamn, how many nerds are out there?'
  21. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Unfortunately, I don't drive, so it depends on wherever I'm doing errands or eating at.
  22. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Thank you! 7002 4182 8125
  23. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I went with team Valor because a dark skinned chick was the leader plus fiery bird as their symbol. Yay, fire!
  24. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    You're way more energetic than me. I got to level 11 and tapped out. Might walk around later and catch more tonight.
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