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Didnt even know they were doing this



Ill probably watch it

it was originally pitched as a theatrical release years ago (when Death note was actually popular) with Zac Effron as Light

it was originally pitched as a theatrical release years ago (when Death note was actually popular) with Zac Effron as Light

I think I sorta remember something about that actually



Makes sense that it would end up on Netflix though.  As popular as Death Note was/is I have a hard time seeing it being successful in theaters. 


Remember guys this is American high school not doki doki japanese high school


I know it looks meh but stay open minded

if Motoko Kusanagi can be played by a white woman I don't see why Light Yagami can't be played by a white man  -_'

Some observations:


- Williem Dafoe's Ryuk is definitely giving off some Green Goblin vibes.

- Light's Milo Yiannopoulos hair looks awful. The actor himself has normal brown hair like Yagami. They could've let him not dye his hair and swoop it all over the place.

- I don't remember a Final Destination ferris wheel destruction escape in the original.

- I am actually looking forward to seeing Darius as L cause he and Defoe could be the few actors that are able to capture their character's personalities well.

- Misa's looking less like a pop star and more like The New Americana


I'll watch it just to see how they do it, but I imagine it will be terrible.


Willem Dafoe as Ryuk is like Hugh Laurie as Gendo Ikari. It's one of those castings that are so unbelievably perfect you want the project to succeed.


Alas, that may not be true.


Hugh Laurie would make a great Gendo Ikari .  Willem Dafoe is awesome.  I'll have to watch it to see how that goes down.




What a piece of shit that looks to be!  Goddammit, everything Hollywood touches, it destroys.  Death Note was a supernatural psychological thriller.  That looks like some dumb action movie.


Maybe the great Kira needs to punish some Hollywood and Netflix executives for blemishing greatness.  Kira should kill the ones responsible for the GiTS movie too.




What a piece of shit that looks to be!  Goddammit, everything Hollywood touches, it destroys.  Death Note was a supernatural psychological thriller.  That looks like some dumb action movie.


Maybe the great Kira needs to punish some Hollywood and Netflix executives for blemishing greatness.  Kira should kill the ones responsible for the GiTS movie too.


  • 3 months later...

Horrifying and yet, completely appropriate.


They really did good getting Dafoe for the role.


I wonder though if they're gonna do a reverse Deadpool and CGI the body while Dafoe keeps his face.



They nailed Ryuk.  Everything else...cautious optimism to why is L speaking in public?  Unless that's the Lind L. Taylor trick.


Honestly Death Note was pretty terrible taken as a whole, so I can't see how they can make it worse.  The Dafoe casting was brilliant.

Death note was always about equally as terrible as Tokyo Ghoul


it's one of those animes that when you're 13 you think "WOW THIS IS SO EDGY, LOL GOTH AESTHETIC TTLY RANDOM KAWAII!!!111" then when you look at it in your 20's you wonder what the fuck was wrong with you that you ever liked it :|


Death note was always about equally as terrible as Tokyo Ghoul


it's one of those animes that when you're 13 you think "WOW THIS IS SO EDGY, LOL GOTH AESTHETIC TTLY RANDOM KAWAII!!!111" then when you look at it in your 20's you wonder what the fuck was wrong with you that you ever liked it :|


I never understood that opinion. I've always thought of it as a compelling cat and mouse chase (much more than Dexter was at least).


Death note was always about equally as terrible as Tokyo Ghoul


it's one of those animes that when you're 13 you think "WOW THIS IS SO EDGY, LOL GOTH AESTHETIC TTLY RANDOM KAWAII!!!111" then when you look at it in your 20's you wonder what the fuck was wrong with you that you ever liked it :|

Ugh, I wouldn't go nearly that far.  Death Note was at the very least watchable, but it wasn't remotely the sort of intellectual fare that so many of its fans hold it up to be.  All it really did was replace the standard sort of shounen power-up posturing with the equivalent overly-verbose dialogue posturing.  I remember that one episode where Light and L were playing tennis against each other, and their inner monologues were literally that meme image of "Now it is I who am behind you!"  It was completely insufferable writing.  Then there was the fact that the authors disposed of one of the best elements of the story at the halfway point and had absolutely nothing of consequence to replace them with, which just smacks of narrative incompetence.  But what frustrates me the most is that the series never made any pretenses at making any sort of judgement, whether positive or negative, on Light's actions.  The authors have admitted as much too.  If you're going to create a character like Light, at least have the balls to make some sort of statement about him.


Let's call a spade a spade: Death Note was a mostly standard shounen with unique window dressing and an insufferable twat of a protagonist that managed to squander the very real potential it had.  Now if you want a truly-good cat-and-mouse game that actually dwells on the nature of evil, go watch/read yourself some Monster.


Then there was the fact that the authors disposed of one of the best elements of the story at the halfway point and had absolutely nothing of consequence to replace them with, which just smacks of narrative incompetence.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the originally planned ending, and the editor went, "This is pretty popular, and that's too depressing for a shonen, so why don't you keep it going for a while longer?"

Said it before and I'll say it again:


Fap Note > Death Note


No joke, by the way. Fap Note is just a better series.


On topic: I'll still watch this.  No real opinion at the moment, planning to watch out of sheer curiosity.

  • 3 weeks later...

Saw the new stuff yes it's nothing like the anime manga but I'm ok with whatever this adaptation is hopefully it's good

I think people hoping for a literal shot-for-shot live action are going to be very disappointed.


People who liked the idea of Death Note and want to see how that story can play out will probably enjoy it. 



So far the previews make me think its actually going to be pretty good. 


I liked the idea of Death Note far more than its execution (or Light in particular), so I think there's definitely a lot of potential to take it in a different direction.

  • 4 weeks later...

Well I just finished it and




dead on called it when i said that this was going to be more about the idea of a Death Note rather than a total remake of the Anime/Manga.  This was pretty much nothing more than an adaption of the idea but set in the US. 



Movie Itself:


Eh, wasnt to bad but could have been better.


No where near enough Ryuk for my liking.


This also seems to be setting up for a few more Death Note movies.  There wasnt an ending so much as just a break between episodes.  L is still alive, Light is still kicking, now his Dad knows whats up, and his crazy ass girlfriend is dead.


and speaking of her, maybe the best character.  You could tell she was insane at the start but wow, she really was insane.




Curious to see what others think of this when they get a chance to watch it.


very cohesive esp since they had to put a lot of ideas into one film. i think the rules were great, having to say how people die and having two days before they die was brillant. i usually find big glaring holes in stuff i was...there was only a little one...like whyd he kill an entire club of folks. he had all their names? and what was the justification? other than that i loved Ls character and i would watch more.


Holy fuck, this is... a crème de la crème of bad moviedom.


Top notch cringing here. I may have to reserve finishing this to watch with friends. It's a wee bit too beautiful to experience on my lonesome.


Ok so I just watched the movie today with my boyfriend.

Now my bfs never seen the anime so he enjoyed the movie.

Ive seen the anime.

hmmm....theres things i liked and didnt.....





Ok so, first lets try looking at this as a movie itself. It was hard for me to do and at points i wanted to cringe at how terribly different it was than the series.

Still, i took it with a grain of salt and told myself just try to look at it as a movie, or at least keep in mind its an american adaption.


So, things i did like about it. obviously william defoe did a good job as Ryuk, his voice was great spot on good job need moar of him! i liked his design too, would of wanted to see more.

like why did they keep in so hidden away most of the movie? show him!!!!


The cinemetography was kinda interesting, the stylish shots were kind of cool like the prom scene or the scene when we first see L at the sex club.


overall, it wasnt a bad movie it was kind of enjoyable i did like some of the characters. I thought they did an overall good job with L at least till he went all crazy and emotionally unhinged :|

didnt like Misa (or mia lol wtf) at first, but she kinda grew on me thought she was better than Light in the movie haha. Sad she died, shoulda kept her as main character.



alright, things i didnt like. UGGGGGHHHHHH WTF IS UP WITH THAT GODAWEFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH LIGHT AND MIA???????? THAT WAS TERRIBLE. it was so....sterotypical omg.

i felt NO chemistry between them. oh hey im a looser named light who has a slight crush on the cheerleader whos like secretly angsty!!! lets make babiez nao plox!!!! i get they were trying to make it like a bonnie and clyde type thing. she was gonna be his ride or die bitch idk... but overall it just didnt sell me. Light was an asshole in the anime, so much so he used Misa just for his own benifit.


did NOT like Light. now i wasnt a fan of light either in the anime, but thats bc of what a complete manipulative douchebag he was. but he was a great one at it. He was cold, caculated. not some looser pussy who cried when things got rough. Also wtf he acted WAY too suspicious seriously!!! id suspect him too right away, geez its only obvz hes kira. I felt like the character Mia was closer to Lights char in the anime. At the end tho when he explained everything, it did give me some slight hope. but for the most part he was a crybaby little bitch.


Didnt like either how L got all emotional after watanaris death. he never got emotional especially enough to go after light and try killing him. He did a great job at first portraying him, but later on his character changed so that way they could have their dramatic action chase scene ending!!!!


overall, if they plan on making movie movies or a series i might watch it. everything felt rushed and they left out waaaaaay too much. they completely changed things with misa dead like how they gonna kill L now? or will they? if they make a 2nd movie i hope they do a better job go into more detail. they skimmed over the investigations part and that was pretty much the whole anime.


anyway, as a movie itself it was ok, rushed and some of the chars were meh. the relationship was bland and stupid. but it wasnt TOO bad. its like....one of those "eh sure why not guess ill give it a watch since its on netflix" type movies.


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