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Texas is, once again, a priority for Democrats in 2022. Beto is running, again. And Beto is getting crushed, again.


n a head-to-head matchup in the race for governor of Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott leads Democratic challenger Beto O'Rourke, 52 - 37 percent, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University poll of Texas registered voters released today. Republicans back Abbott 90 - 5 percent, independents back Abbott 47 - 37 percent, and Democrats back O'Rourke 87 - 6 percent.


Texas is the football and Democrats are Charlie Brown.  They keep trying to kick the ball and Lucy keeps yanking it away.We're going to hear a whole lot about this race and Beto is going to raise a ton of money, but the end result will be the same this year as it is every year.  Texas is still a very Red state.


The way that they have been talking about Texas sure makes it seem like a priority. It may not be a priority for organizations like the DCCC, but theres a ton of grassroots support for trying to flip Texas. Thats the real problem for Democrats. Every dollar that Beto raises and spends in Texas is a wasted dollar that could go to a more competitive race.

That happens in every election cycle. Both parties do it as well. There's some shiny object out there that draws huge amounts of cash and wind sup siphoning off support and resources for a more winnable race somewhere else.

Posted (edited)

Who is the "they" though? My guess is the media is hyping it up because they always hype up Beto, but I'd guess the actual institutional Democratic Party wrote it off.

So many other gubernatorial races this year and in a defense cycle.

Edit: I think there are big GOP primaries in Texas that could shift the dynamics like Georgia, but that is yet to come.

Edited by Raptorpat
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Its partially media and partially just people talking about it.  All you have to do is go to somewhere left wing, like Twitter or Reddit, and theres a pretty constant drumbeat to try and flip Texas. Resources are absolutely going to be wasted trying to win in Texas when that state is still very red.


Texas and Georgia are nothing alike either. Texas is solidly red, with a unified GOP. Even if theres a contentious primary it will be nothing like Georgia.  The reason that Dems have a chance is Georgia is because Trump is actively trying to destroy the GOP because the party there wouldnt buy into his "stop the steal" bullshit. The GOP is Georgia is hopelessly split thanks to Trump sabotaging the party. Thats creating a very real lane for Democrats to walk down and win.

The Minority vote in Texas is also going to be a huge problem for Democrats. In Georgia they can count on the Black vote coming out to support them, that support isnt there in Texas. The majority-Minority there are Hispanics, and they are splitting 50-50 GOP/Dem, with pretty clear movement toward the GOP, in all recent polling.  If that vote truly splits 50-50 in Texas then the GOP is going to win in a laugher. Thats going to be a much bigger problem nation-wide for Democrats than many are willing to admit right now.




Mr Godwin has said before that he is fine with Nazi comparisons, so long as they are thought-out and historically informed. [...] "If you’re thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler or Nazis when you talk about Trump," he wrote in the Washington Post late last year. [...] He went on to make clear that he thinks that references to the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes are legitimate and can be helpful, in some cases.

Yeah, I'm not saying "TrUmP iS hITLeR bEcAUsE He'S bAd," I'm saying that the plan to make Trump speaker of the house so he could take over the presidency is literally almost identical to Hitler's 1932-1934 antics.


In November, the Nazis received a lower percentage of the vote, but 19 prominent members of the German economy signed the Industrielleneingabe — a petition for President Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor of Germany. In December, Chancellor Papen was replaced by Major-General Kurt von Schleicher, a rival of Hitler's. Papen made an agreement with Hitler that he could convince Hindenburg to make Hitler chancellor, as long as Hitler made Papen vice-chancellor.


Hitler's Machtergreifung (seizure of power) began when he was named chancellor in January 1933, thanks to Papen's influence and Hindenburg's agreement. His appointment sparked concern in both neighboring democracies and in the Jewish community. In February, the Reichstag was attacked by a Communist arsonist, leading to swift action against Hitler's political rivals.

Hitler gained plenary powers in March from the Enabling Act of 1933, which gave him the ability to act without limitations from the Reichstag or the German Constitution. Once Hitler had these dictatorial powers, he eliminated civil liberties and opportunities for opposition. Political parties that were not Nazi parties were made illegal in July. In October, Germany withdrew from the League of Nations and the World Disarmament Conference.


During Nacht der langen Messer (Night of the Long Knives), Hitler instructed the SS to execute various political rivals and opponents, including leaders of the SA, which had become increasingly independent from Hitler's control. Because Hitler had plenary powers, he was able to order the killings without the consent of the courts. Over 150 people were murdered in the purge between June 30th and July 2nd, and hundreds more were arrested.

On July 3rd, Vice-Chancellor Papen resigned. President Hindenburg died a month later. The day before he died, Hitler's cabinet enacted a law that would abolish the role of the president, and that all powers of the president would be merged with the chancellor's upon Hinderburg's death. This allowed Hitler to become Führer und Reichskanzler - leader and chancellor — and therefore head of the government. Soldiers of the German Army took the Hitler Oath, swearing allegiance and obedience to Hitler himself instead of the state.



in... other news...

NY AG Tish James dropped out of the gubernatorial race against Hochul today and is running for reelection instead. She never fully engaged in the campaign and consistently trailed in the polls (though as a strong second). Hochul has a much clearer runway to a full term.

Though in cleaning up the gubernatorial race, it mucked up the AG race as now all the announced AG candidates have to decide whether to defer and drop out, or now run against an incumbent.

Edit: unsubstantiated rumor is that they were also afraid Cuomo could walk into the open AG race with $18m in the bank and a bench of weak opponents

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Scuttlebutt I heard is James dropped out because she couldn't get any funding. I also heard that she dropped out because she wants to focus on prosecuting Trump.

I'm inclined to believe it is the former.


1 hour ago, Ginguy said:

Scuttlebutt I heard is James dropped out because she couldn't get any funding. I also heard that she dropped out because she wants to focus on prosecuting Trump.

I'm inclined to believe it is the former.


Well yeah... Trump practically prosecutes himself.

  • Like 1

Hochul locked up a lot of the institutional fundraising early, but that isn't insurmountable on it's own. James had plenty of endorsements and a sizeable starting base of support based on the polling.

But she wasn't really campaigning and it seemed half-hearted at best. 🤷‍♂️

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Public view on Biden’s handling of Covid and the economy takes another hit, CNBC survey shows

"As bad as Biden’s number may be, the polling data for Democrats in Congress is far worse.

Republicans now sport a historic 10-point advantage when Americans are asked which party they prefer to control Congress, holding a 44%-34% margin over Democrats. That’s up from a 2-point Republican advantage in the October survey."


I refuse to believe there's actually a 10 point GOP lead on the generic ballot. This poll almost universally leans toward the Democrats, in the few historic times the GOP does lead its typically a few months out from an election. A 10 point GOP lead here portends to an absolute bloodbath for Democrats where virtually no seat would be safe. If this poll is true, and holds through next year, the House is 100% going to flip and the Senate likely goes with it as well.  We just dont have any sort of historic benchmark to compare this to because its just that far out of the norm.

34 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

I refuse to believe there's actually a 10 point GOP lead on the generic ballot. This poll almost universally leans toward the Democrats, in the few historic times the GOP does lead its typically a few months out from an election. A 10 point GOP lead here portends to an absolute bloodbath for Democrats where virtually no seat would be safe. If this poll is true, and holds through next year, the House is 100% going to flip and the Senate likely goes with it as well.  We just dont have any sort of historic benchmark to compare this to because its just that far out of the norm.

  If SCOTUS kicks Roe back to the States to determine, that lead is cut in half overnight. Combine that with curating "news" content to favor Democrats, particularly on the economy, and you will have a coin flip in November. It will come down to ground game, and how the district maps are drawn. The House will still probably flip, the Senate might by a seat or two. The problem for people is, the leadership won't change, so the status quo will continue, the country will lurch from "crisis" to "crisis" and nothing will actually get done. This might change if McCarthy decides to go along with electing President Trump Speaker, but I think that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening. It would be hysterical to see President Trump elected Speaker, just to see the meltdown and watch Pelosi's face unfreeze in real time having to hand over the gavel to President Trump.




  • D'oh 2
28 minutes ago, Ginguy said:

  If SCOTUS kicks Roe back to the States to determine, that lead is cut in half overnight. Combine that with curating "news" content to favor Democrats, particularly on the economy, and you will have a coin flip in November. It will come down to ground game, and how the district maps are drawn. The House will still probably flip, the Senate might by a seat or two. The problem for people is, the leadership won't change, so the status quo will continue, the country will lurch from "crisis" to "crisis" and nothing will actually get done. This might change if McCarthy decides to go along with electing President Trump Speaker, but I think that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening. It would be hysterical to see President Trump elected Speaker, just to see the meltdown and watch Pelosi's face unfreeze in real time having to hand over the gavel to President Trump.

It has a snowball's chance in hell because it's practically impossible for someone who isn't an elected member of Congress to be elected to a leadership role.  The only reason the idea even exists is because there are House members who are too stupid to know that the absence of a specific abolition in House rules does not equal tacit legality.


That is pure politics. The House can elect anyone to be Speaker. There is quite literally no requirement to be Speaker, save the House electing you. If the GOP wanted to perform a God-tier act of trolling they could very well elect President Trump to serve as Speaker. The politics, in terms of caucus seniority and weight of history will make it extremely unlikely that President Trump would garner the necessary votes to be elected, but there is no legal prohibition against it.

  • D'oh 2
3 hours ago, Ginguy said:

That is pure politics. The House can elect anyone to be Speaker. There is quite literally no requirement to be Speaker, save the House electing you. If the GOP wanted to perform a God-tier act of trolling they could very well elect President Trump to serve as Speaker. The politics, in terms of caucus seniority and weight of history will make it extremely unlikely that President Trump would garner the necessary votes to be elected, but there is no legal prohibition against it.

The biggest irony would be that the Speaker would be incapable of forming a coherent sentence, despite never shutting the fuck up.

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If all the republican party is capable of is behaving like little shits 'for the lols / to trigger whoever' when confronted with the actual act of governance, then all those participating in that crap should be removed immediately from the job, by the short hairs if necessary. They are civil servants. They are there as representatives of all the people in their areas. If I want a damn clown dancing around, I'll go to the circus. If they want to play entertainer, they can go audition somewhere and make their money that way. 

  • Thanks 4



BBB appears dead.  Looks like they are going to try and pivot to the voting rights bill that died earlier this year. Not sure if anything really changed on that bill either. Unless Manchin is ready to change the Filibuster that bill also stands no chance at passing.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is the one year anniversary of either "A dark day in the grand experiment of American Democracy" or "we did a little too much trolling," depending on your point of view. 


And no matter where you fall we can all be grateful that our elected leaders have taken the appropriate actions and are out ahead of this trying to heal the country and lead by example.

lol, jk


Its been politicized as fuck and both sides have no interest in figuring out what really happened and making sure it doesnt happen again. They would rather use it to attack the other side and for fundraising.

2 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Its been politicized as fuck and both sides have no interest in figuring out what really happened and making sure it doesnt happen again. They would rather use it to attack the other side and for fundraising.

No, only one side has "politicized" it and used it for fundraising.  It's not the Democrats.

And, we know what happened:  Trump held a campaign rally for an election he had already legitimately lost,

  • just down the street form the Capitol,
  • on the day his loss was going to be formalized, 
  • after he was told by everyone in his own party that he had no path forward,
  • with rally attendees who included far right extremist groups,

... and the crowd, predictably, rioted.   Furthermore, he didn't activate the National Guard, nor did he publicly plea for the rioters-turned-domestic terrorists to stop.

We knew all of this the day of the riot.

  • Thanks 3
2 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

No, only one side has "politicized" it and used it for fundraising.  It's not the Democrats.


That's total garbage and you know it. Democrats have absolutely been using January 6th for their own political gains, including fundraising. How many times over the past year has a Democrat sent something out saying that they need money to help lobby or pass something to "Prevent another January 6th"?  More than anyone can count. Go take a look at what EverytownUSA is posting today. Its all about how January 6th proves we need more gun control, so sign up and donate today!

This doesnt absolve trump or any other idiot pushing the big lie and what happened in any way, but dont sit here and pretend that Democrats arent also using it for their own political gains when there are literally tweets out today doing just that.

17 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

That's total garbage and you know it. Democrats have absolutely been using January 6th for their own political gains, including fundraising. How many times over the past year has a Democrat sent something out saying that they need money to help lobby or pass something to "Prevent another January 6th"?  More than anyone can count. Go take a look at what EverytownUSA is posting today. Its all about how January 6th proves we need more gun control, so sign up and donate today!

Citation, please.  I mean, yeah, they are asking for money to, you know, stop a bunch of Republicans in denial about a treasonous riot.

8 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

Citation, please.  I mean, yeah, they are asking for money to, you know, stop a bunch of Republicans in denial about a treasonous riot.





And just for good measure heres a nice thread that has fundraising pitches from Jayapal, Schumer, Sanders, and others.


So yea, stop pretending this isn't happening. Its clear as day that Democrats are also absolutely abusing the hell out of January 6th for their own political gains. And yes, that includes fundraising.

38 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

That's total garbage and you know it. Democrats have absolutely been using January 6th for their own political gains, including fundraising. How many times over the past year has a Democrat sent something out saying that they need money to help lobby or pass something to "Prevent another January 6th"?  More than anyone can count. Go take a look at what EverytownUSA is posting today. Its all about how January 6th proves we need more gun control, so sign up and donate today!

This doesnt absolve trump or any other idiot pushing the big lie and what happened in any way, but dont sit here and pretend that Democrats arent also using it for their own political gains when there are literally tweets out today doing just that.

they do!

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2 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:





And just for good measure heres a nice thread that has fundraising pitches from Jayapal, Schumer, Sanders, and others.


So yea, stop pretending this isn't happening. Its clear as day that Democrats are also absolutely abusing the hell out of January 6th for their own political gains. And yes, that includes fundraising.

You said they're politicizing it, and you're wrong.  The event was already inherently political and partisan, and the Democrats acknowledging it isn't subjective.  They don't have the luxury of pretending it didn't happen.

You will also note that they're fundraising is specifically to fight Republicans WHO REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE RIOT WAS AN INSURRECTION OR INCORRECTLY BELIEVE THE ELECTION WAS TAINTED.

You can't possibly be stupid enough to believe that what the Democrats are doing is anything like what some Republicans are doing.

  • Like 2
  • D'oh 1


"Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations."


Oh, so apparently there was some kind of scheme in Georgia to pay $10 a ballot in an illegal harvesting operation.





  • D'oh 2
37 minutes ago, Ginguy said:


"Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations."


Oh, so apparently there was some kind of scheme in Georgia to pay $10 a ballot in an illegal harvesting operation.





Two stupid posts for the price of one.

11 hours ago, Ginguy said:





you know, for a guy who likes to use gifs as his way of avoiding oration habitually.....One would think you had a deeper pool of forum weapons....But nope....Black people and Joker Phoenix gifs laced with Pepe jpegs is all you can muster......Quite the lazy troll if you ask me, but somehow these people can't get enough of you.

  • Thanks 1
56 minutes ago, André Toulon said:

you know, for a guy who likes to use gifs as his way of avoiding oration habitually.....One would think you had a deeper pool of forum weapons....But nope....Black people and Joker Phoenix gifs laced with Pepe jpegs is all you can muster......Quite the lazy troll if you ask me, but somehow these people can't get enough of you.

You know what they say:

If it walks like an incel, talks like an incel, it's probably Ginguy.

  • Haha 2

So you agree that people supporting a candidate that lost an election, trying to break into a nation's Capital Building, in an effort to stop a fairly elected President from being recognized as said President, shouldn't be made political, which...I'm not even going to dignify this logic we all agree not to politicize January 6th.

*claps hands* GO TEAM!

13 hours ago, André Toulon said:

you know, for a guy who likes to use gifs as his way of avoiding oration habitually.....One would think you had a deeper pool of forum weapons....But nope....Black people and Joker Phoenix gifs laced with Pepe jpegs is all you can muster......Quite the lazy troll if you ask me, but somehow these people can't get enough of you.

Every time he uses the Phoenix Joker, I'm sure he's telling us he's about to snap into a murderous rage.

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