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Mass Shootings - The Discussion 4ever


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If only there was a way to try to prevent these mass shootings. Maybe I’ll ask the good lord for help in stopping this. I’ll just ask louder this time. It’s clearly the only way to fix this problem. 

and remember kids, if we restrict access to guns the good guys with guns will never be able to save us again....or for the first time. 

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3 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

If only there was a way to try to prevent these mass shootings. Maybe I’ll ask the good lord for help in stopping this. I’ll just ask louder this time. It’s clearly the only way to fix this problem. 

and remember kids, if we restrict access to guns the good guys with guns will never be able to save us again....or for the first time. 

Murphy in Jersey making some moves -




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9 minutes ago, Sawdamizer said:

Gun laws need to be tightened up in NJ. My sociopathic cousin has a half dozen guns AT LEAST, and he shouldn’t have any cuz he’s a fuckin gangster wannabe, psycho, dumb ass.   

we all know how this is gonna go. Conservatives are gonna screech like banshees, declaring that “wE tOlD u dUmBoCrAts WeRe CuMmiN 4 yEr GuNs!!!!”””

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4 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

Gun laws need to be tightened up in NJ. My sociopathic cousin has a half dozen guns AT LEAST, and he shouldn’t have any cuz he’s a fuckin gangster wannabe, psycho, dumb ass.   

we all know how this is gonna go. Conservatives are gonna screech like banshees, declaring that “wE tOlD u dUmBoCrAts WeRe CuMmiN 4 yEr GuNs!!!!”””

Heh.... cum

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You know what, fuck it, I am coming for their guns. Anyone who has the desire to own something like an AR-15 that is solely designed to kill things easily and quickly is a motherfucking sociopath and should be institutionalized. Come at me, sister-fuckers. 

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7 minutes ago, Top Gun said:

You know what, fuck it, I am coming for their guns. Anyone who has the desire to own something like an AR-15 that is solely designed to kill things easily and quickly is a motherfucking sociopath and should be institutionalized. Come at me, sister-fuckers. 


i'm not saying don't try it. it's not a horrible idea at this point. i'm just saying, i hope you packed a lunch.

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8 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:

Gun laws need to be tightened up in NJ. My sociopathic cousin has a half dozen guns AT LEAST, and he shouldn’t have any cuz he’s a fuckin gangster wannabe, psycho, dumb ass.   

we all know how this is gonna go. Conservatives are gonna screech like banshees, declaring that “wE tOlD u dUmBoCrAts WeRe CuMmiN 4 yEr GuNs!!!!”””

Any time some moron from some group like the NRA or a politician looking for donations / votes to stay in power brings up the whole 'THEY ARE GOING TO DESTROY THE 2ND AMENDMENT - TAKE ALL YER GUNS - GIVE ME MONEYS TO FIGHT! - BLARGH!!!1!' shit, go ahead and ask them if they know exactly what it takes to actually do that. The amendment may say you have the right to keep and bare arms, it doesn't give you the right to own military grade shit to defend yourself from squirrels and Michelob empties. :|  And it would take 2/3rds of EVERYONE to change the amendment so stfu about how you need Hillbilly Jim's last dollar to fight that. You couldn't get 2/3rds of a general committee to agree to a particular brand of toilet paper right now and that's just shit-tickets. 

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54 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

Any time some moron from some group like the NRA or a politician looking for donations / votes to stay in power brings up the whole 'THEY ARE GOING TO DESTROY THE 2ND AMENDMENT - TAKE ALL YER GUNS - GIVE ME MONEYS TO FIGHT! - BLARGH!!!1!' shit, go ahead and ask them if they know exactly what it takes to actually do that. The amendment may say you have the right to keep and bare arms, it doesn't give you the right to own military grade shit to defend yourself from squirrels and Michelob empties. :|  And it would take 2/3rds of EVERYONE to change the amendment so stfu about how you need Hillbilly Jim's last dollar to fight that. You couldn't get 2/3rds of a general committee to agree to a particular brand of toilet paper right now and that's just shit-tickets. 

The 2ndA is a cluster fuck cuz everyone ignores the “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,” part and only focuses on the “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

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But our right to bear arms has been infringed. Felons can’t own guns.  The founding fathers never intended for us to all have guns. They intended for militas to freely be able to form and obtain arms.  Idek if that’s exactly true. One theory is 2a is a totally racist amendment, that militia were groups of men retrieving runaway slaves, that militia eventually morphed into our organized police forces. But who knows. 

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21 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

The 2ndA is a cluster fuck cuz everyone ignores the “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,” part and only focuses on the “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

I don't see the types of wannabe HALO LARPers with their thrift store hockey pads duct taped over their beer guts screaming about MUH RIGHTS as being 'a well regulated Militia' . And the lavish lifestyles of certain NRA members and politicians does not note regulation of any kind. 

21 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

But our right to bear arms has been infringed. Felons can’t own guns.  The founding fathers never intended for us to all have guns. They intended for militas to freely be able to form and obtain arms.  Idek if that’s exactly true. One theory is 2a is a totally racist amendment, that militia were groups of men retrieving runaway slaves, that militia eventually morphed into our organized police forces. But who knows. 

Freedom of speech is not 'free' , there is an expectation that you are able to pay [ in attention and forethought ] for the things you say. It's why your ass can and will get kicked out of a store if you decide to wander in and go on a cussing spree and why you don't yell fire in a crowded theater without there actually being a fire - in the first, you are being a discourteous jackass intent on creating a disruption and in the second, you are courting actual injuries to others who may panic. The same thing should be applied to guns and gun ownership and honest gun owners shouldn't have an issue with it. Half the people I've personally known with guns I wouldn't trust with Nerf items. 

I don't believe that people were all that able to freely create their own militias. I don't have brain enough right now for a deep dive thought about it but I could have sworn that you had to at the least register with the town / village in order to be part of a militia and the bulk of necessary weapons was kept centrally with members keeping only that which they themselves needed for actually providing for their own families and basic defense. So anyone part of a militia was listed and known as such [ not hiding in the woods or hills ] and they didn't each have a damn armies worth of guns wedged in their cornholes. They were to be held to account for their actions and knew it. 

Much as today, it's quite likely that a certain type of asshole would be attracted to being in a militia / police force in order to hunt humans and feel superior doing so. With history's tendency to be written by the victors [ hiding the bad as much as possible ] it might never be completely known for certain. It's probably a combo of good people just defending their own home territories with assholes slowly making 'normal' what most would have considered abhorrent if it had been set as law from the start. Eventually you get the asshole stuff as the law and beer-guts in vests calling the shots - people who couldn't pass a psych eval to join the military to legally hunt humans getting jobs as cops in order to do the same.

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There was a post timestamped less than an hour before the shooting that read, 'I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her,' and it featured an image of the cartoon pony Applejack


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so have mass shootings actually ratcheted up in the last couple weeks, or is it just that the media is reporting on them more to take advantage of / bring awareness to the recent push for new weapons bans? because it seems we're averaging like 3 new shootings every day at this point.

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27 minutes ago, wacky1980 said:

so have mass shootings actually ratcheted up in the last couple weeks, or is it just that the media is reporting on them more to take advantage of / bring awareness to the recent push for new weapons bans? because it seems we're averaging like 3 new shootings every day at this point.

I mean, we can cherry pick the data from YoY, but last year was an outlier of data... 2021 is significantly higher.

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4 minutes ago, Sawdamizer said:

I mean, we can cherry pick the data from YoY, but last year was an outlier of data... 2021 is significantly higher.

yeah no, i get that. but it seems like the last couple weeks *specifically* have been just ridiculous with the number of incidents being reported. 

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9 minutes ago, wacky1980 said:

yeah no, i get that. but it seems like the last couple weeks *specifically* have been just ridiculous with the number of incidents being reported. 

Agreed... but there have been an extreme amount of stupid police shootings too.... so.... might just be a shitty time out there

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Just now, Sawdamizer said:

I also didn’t realize the definition of a mass shooting was casualties of 4 or more... maybe that has been redefined in recent years? Moving goal posts and shit

i think it's been that way for awhile. it's the stat people used back a couple years back when the headline was something like "1400 mass shootings this year" and people freaked tf out.

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2 hours ago, wacky1980 said:

so have mass shootings actually ratcheted up in the last couple weeks, or is it just that the media is reporting on them more to take advantage of / bring awareness to the recent push for new weapons bans? because it seems we're averaging like 3 new shootings every day at this point.

To perhaps expand on Sawdy's comment, I'm not so sure it's a matter of the media picking things up.  At least from my anecdotal perspective, the amount of people being killed in any singular act of violence has certainly upticked.  Whereas in the past you would get a lot of shootings each night that are not reported on the local televised and national news, and they were almost always one person killed and maybe another person injured who was either too close or not the intended target.  The mass shooting that happened here in Santa Ana (not too far away from me at that) was certainly a disturbing upgrade over the typical personal vendetta shooting in that the murderer targeted several coworkers along with the owner.  Clearly it's a mass shooting, but, at the same time, it's not like the mass shootings we're accustomed to seeing where the assailant has a grudge against the institution rather than the victims.  We might not have realized mass shootings are considered "4 or more" because this is the first time I can recall where mass murderers were targeting multiple people rather than just inflicting collateral damage.

As to why that is, I think it certainly bears study in addition to what is already being investigated about mass shootings.  It's entirely possible that the pandemic created a different strata for those who might have means but aren't necessarily staying afloat financially.  Such a person might be someone who lost a job during the pandemic, but still has enough savings to survive short term and has skill set that is marketable in non pandemic settings.  There is room for resentment in such a group that would transfer laterally to others in the same overall socioeconomic strata instead of upward.  That might explain how more people are specifically targeted in shooting.

Edited by scoobdog
Messed up sentence repair.
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1 minute ago, 1pooh4u said:

Update on Sam Jose a 9th person has died. Names of victims in article


which state is gonna dump their gun safety laws now to show solidarity against gun control advocates, let’s spin the wheel 




It’s already on a likely culprit

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