cyberbully Posted June 12, 2020 Posted June 12, 2020 Like, you know...A murder of crows, pride of lions, pack of wolves, flock of geese.....Is our grouping just called a crowd. or is it like family....Are all the lions related? community?....Nah, that doesn't sound right..... Like, I want it to be crowd. Likwhatever is greater than us calls us a crowd of humans..... A buttload? No way, right.....OOH, maybe a fester....We are a fester of humans. I'm bored. 2
Gina Szanboti Posted June 12, 2020 Posted June 12, 2020 A passel of people. A horde of humans. A gang of geeks.
cyberbully Posted June 12, 2020 Author Posted June 12, 2020 1 minute ago, Gina Szanboti said: A passel of people. A horde of humans. A gang of geeks. Ah...I like horde too.
Seight Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 A group of three to five white people is called a "podcast."
scoobdog Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 All those terms indicate a grouping that is related in a genetic or social sense, so family is probably the right word.
Dark_Cloud_Overhead Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 2 hours ago, cyberbully said: Ah...I like horde too. Horde just makes me think of zombies.
NaBarney Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 Pack of hogs/jackals depending on the kind of people
BlackNoir Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 3 hours ago, tsar4 said: Gotta admit....Mob sounds like the best choice.
cyberbully Posted June 13, 2020 Author Posted June 13, 2020 24 minutes ago, lupin_bebop said: An infestation. Well, you kinda ruined it...because this is exactly where I got this from and I know you've seen it. 1
1pooh4u Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 I’m a fan of “mob” too it would be cool if there was something more specific like with other animals. A group of baboons is a Congress. I like that 😆 1 2
Poof Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 The tradition of using "terms of venery" or "nouns of assembly", collective nouns that are specific to certain kinds of animals, stems from an English hunting tradition of the Late Middle Ages. The fashion of a consciously developed hunting language came to England from France. It was marked by an extensive proliferation of specialist vocabulary, applying different names to the same feature in different animals. The elements can be shown to have already been part of French and English hunting terminology by the beginning of the 14th century. In the course of the 14th century, it became a courtly fashion to extend the vocabulary, and by the 15th century, the tendency had reached exaggerated proportions. The Treatise, written by Walter of Bibbesworth in the mid-1200s, is the earliest source for collective nouns of animals in any European vernacular (and also the earliest source for animal noises).[6] The Venerie of Twiti (early 14th century) distinguished three types of droppings of animals, and three different terms for herds of animals. Gaston Phoebus (14th century) had five terms for droppings of animals, which were extended to seven in the Master of the Game (early 15th century). The focus on collective terms for groups of animals emerged in the later 15th century. Thus, a list of collective nouns in Egerton MS 1995, dated to c. 1452 under the heading of "termis of venery &c.", extends to 70 items,[7] and the list in the Book of Saint Albans (1486) runs to 164 items, many of which, even though introduced by "the compaynys of beestys and fowlys", relate not to venery but to human groups and professions and are clearly humorous, such as "a Doctryne of doctoris", "a Sentence of Juges", "a Fightyng of beggers", "an uncredibilite of Cocoldis", "a Melody of harpers", "a Gagle of women", "a Disworship of Scottis", etc.[8][9] The Book of Saint Albans became very popular during the 16th century and was reprinted frequently. Gervase Markham edited and commented on the list in his The Gentleman's Academic, in 1595. The book's popularity had the effect of perpetuating many of these terms as part of the Standard English lexicon even if they have long ceased to have any practical application.[10] Even in their original context of medieval venery, the terms were of the nature of kennings, intended as a mark of erudition of the gentlemen able to use them correctly rather than for practical communication.[11] The popularity of the terms in the modern period has resulted in the addition of numerous lighthearted, humorous or facetious[12] collective nouns. Full list of collective nouns from the Book of Saint Albans (includes beestys and peple): an Herde of Hertis an herde of all man (all manner?) dere an Herde of Swannys an Herde of Cranys (cranes) an Herde of Corlewys (curlews) an Herde of wrennys (wrens) an Herde of harlottys a Nye of Fesaunttys (pheasants) a Bevy of Ladies a Bevy of Roos (roes) a Bevy of Quaylis a Sege of heronnys a Sege of betouris (bitterns) a Sorde or a sute of malardis a Mustre of Pecockys a Walke of Snytis (snites) a Congregation of peple an Exaltyng of Larkis a Wache of Nyghtingalis an hoost of men a Felishippyng of yomen a Cherme of Goldfynches a Cast of Brede (see Ecclesiastes 11:1) a Couple or a payer of botillis a Flight of Doves an unkyndenes of Ravenes a Clateryng of choughes a Dissimulation of breddis (birds) a Route of knyghtis a Pride of lionys a Sleuth of Beeris (bears) a Cete of Graies (badgers) a Bery of Conyis a Riches of Matronys a Besynes of ferettis a Brace of grehoundis of ii a Lece of Grehoundis of iii a Coupult of spaynellis a Couple of rennyng houndis a Litter of Welpis a Kyndill of yong Cattis a Synguler of Boris (boars) a Dryft of tame Swyne an Harrasse of horse a Ragge of coltis or a Rake a Baren of Mulis a Trippe of Gete (goats) a Trippe of haaus (hogs) a Gagle of gees a Brode of hennys a badelyng * of Dokis a Noonpatiens of wyves a State of Prynces a Thongh of barons a Prudens of vikeris (vicars) a Superfluyte of Nunnys a Scole of clerkes a Doctryne of doctoris a Convertyng of prechouris a Sentence of Juges a Dampnyng of Jurrouris a Diligens of Messangeris an Obeisians of seruauntis a Sete of ussheris a Draught of boteleris a Proude shewyng of taloris a Tempans of cokys a Stalke of fosteris a Boost of saudrouris (a boast of soldiers) a Laughtre of Osteloris a Glosyng of Taverneris a Malepertnes of pedleres a Thrave of Throsheris a squatte of Dawberis a Fightyng of beggers an untrouth of sompneris a Melody of Harpers a Pauverty of pypers a sotelty of sergeauntis a Tabernacle of bakers a Drifte of fishers a Disgysing of Taylours a Bleche of sowteris a Smere of Coryouris a Clustre of Grapys a Clustre of chorlis a Rage of Maydmys a Rafull (“a rayful [that is, a netful]”) of knavys a blush of boyes an uncredibilite of Cocoldis a Covy of partrichis a Sprynge of Telis (teals) a Desserte of Lapwyngs a fall of woodcockis a Congregation of Plevers a Covert of cootis a Duell of Turtillis a Titengis of Pies an Ost (host) of sparowis a Swarme of bees a cast of haukis of the tour ii a Lece of the same haukis iii a Flight of Goshaukes a Flighte of swalowes a beldyng (building) of Rookes a Murmuration of stares a Route of wolvess a Lepe of Lebardis (leopards) a Shrewdenes of Apis a Skulke of Thivys a skulke of Foxis a Nest of Rabettis a Labor of Mollis a Mute of houndes a Kenell of Rachis (hounds) a Sute of a lyam (“Means the ‘following’ [suite] of a led hound.”) a Cowardnes of curris (curs) a Soundre of wilde swyne a Stode of Maris a Pase of Assis a Drove of Nete a Flocke of Shepe a Gagle of women a Pepe of chykennys a Multiplieng of husbondis a Pontificalite of prelatis a Dignyte of chanonys (canons) a Charge of curatis a Discrecion of Prestis a bhomynable sight of monkis a Scoff of Fysh a Example of Maisteris an Obseruans of heremytis an Eloquens of laweyeris an Execution of Officeris a faith of Marchandis a provision of stewards of hous a kerff of Panteris (pantrymen) a Thretenyng of courteyeris a Promyse of Tapsteris a Lyeng of pardeneris a Misbeleve of paynteris a Lash of Carteris a Scoldyng of Kemsteris (wool-combers) a Wonderyng of Tynkeris a Waywardnes of haylbardis a Worship of Writeris a Neverthrivyng of Jogoleris a Fraunch of Mylneris a Festre of Brweris (brewers) a Goryng of Bochouris (butchers) a Trynket of Courveseris (corvisers, shoemakers) a Plocke of Shoturnetis (shoe-turners) a Dronkship of Coblers a Sculke of foxis a Clustre of Nottis (nuts) a Rage of the tethe a Rascall of Boyes a Disworship of Scottis 1
Gina Szanboti Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 16 minutes ago, Poof said: The Venerie of Twiti (early 14th century) distinguished three types of droppings of animals So 14th century Twitter. Just more kinds of shit now. 1
Poof Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 3 minutes ago, Gina Szanboti said: So 14th century Twitter. Just more kinds of shit now. Book of Saint Albans 1
Chapinator_X Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 (edited) A crew A flock A mess An onslaught A wave Edited June 13, 2020 by Chapinator-800 1
tsar4 Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 18 hours ago, tsar4 said: ...or maybe an "Apocalypse"?
1pooh4u Posted June 14, 2020 Posted June 14, 2020 4 hours ago, Azalar Hex said: A group of humans is called a covid. I changed my mind. A “Covid” of people is better than a “mob” 😆 I think azalar hex just made a new Webster dictionary entry 😆 2
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