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So I did a crowd work show tonight. I was doing ok but apparently it wasn't ok enough. I got told to get the fuck off stage. I feel humiliated man. I haven't felt this way since back when I got bullied. I'm sorry to bother yall with this but I can't vent to anyone irl. But hey if you don't like me you can relish in the fact that I got super humiliated tonight. So there's that. Idk I'm just hurt and needed to vent. I haven't missed this feeling. 

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Crowd work seems terrifying.....hats off to any comedian who does it well.....Andrew Schulz put out a special a little while ago that was all crowd work....he was just pulling stuff out of his ass up there....I don't know how he does it

All this to say it's tough doing what you do....don't get down when you mess up, it's bound to happen

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3 minutes ago, Distortedreasoning said:

you brave for going up there performing every time.


Frlz, I almost study comedy now and even great comedians need to put up with a shit audience at times. That's why I asked the question I did, but if it's a club owner, fuck him too. Wait until that club owner tries to book you later and bill him for more cash after you remind him about the time he told you to get off the stage. 

Although as taken from Patrice O'neal, having integrity in show business is a mistake that makes your career harder. So play your game dude, I imagine you have to try and bend over but insist on the reach around to get good career boosts.

12 minutes ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

Frlz, I almost study comedy now and even great comedians need to put up with a shit audience at times. That's why I asked the question I did, but if it's a club owner, fuck him too. Wait until that club owner tries to book you later and bill him for more cash after you remind him about the time he told you to get off the stage. 

Although as taken from Patrice O'neal, having integrity in show business is a mistake that makes your career harder. So play your game dude, I imagine you have to try and bend over but insist on the reach around to get good career boosts.

i dont think that makes a difference if it was club owner or audience. end result still leaves him feeling the same i imagine. 


Audience member, you can't make everyone happy and if a comedian doesn't know that they're not going to be on stage long. A club owner hurts more because that's a guy with your career in his hands, and he's just pissing on it and saying you aren't worth a shot to me. 

That would hurt me more than any random person hating on me because they don't control my face getting out there. But he's in the northeast, he'll find clubs. Maybe his shit works in the southern circuit, who knows. 

Comedy isn't easy to figure out, so I hope he has some help.

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9 hours ago, That_One_Guy said:

So I did a crowd work show tonight. I was doing ok but apparently it wasn't ok enough. I got told to get the fuck off stage. I feel humiliated man. I haven't felt this way since back when I got bullied. I'm sorry to bother yall with this but I can't vent to anyone irl. But hey if you don't like me you can relish in the fact that I got super humiliated tonight. So there's that. Idk I'm just hurt and needed to vent. I haven't missed this feeling. 

You have to make a friend of humiliation.

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If I were in that situation I would look at it as "If there was a comedian out there that never bombed, clubs would only ever want to hire that comedian."

Just chalk it up to being an off night and don't let it affect you too much going forward.

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6 hours ago, Distortedreasoning said:

you brave for going up there performing every time. idk man that sucks. we here for you. 

Agreed! I wish I had the guts to do stuff like that. 

And, don’t forget that you just killed your first club gig! So try not to let this one night overshadow the great shows you’ve been having ☺️

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Crowd work....things like these are bound to happen you go up there expecting the unexpected man. It feels bad but it's just one show of many. Just go back up there again and don't t let this get you down. 

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Ok so I've had time to really think about what happened. The initial "woe is me" feeling is gone and I can really talk about what went wrong. 

So to start, this particular show is called "Hurry up say something funny" it's at a meadery and the idea is for comics to only do crowd work. I was told I wasn't allowed to do any written material. That's where the problem began. 

So when the host and the two people before me went up I noticed they were doing a mix of material and crowd work. One of them did a majority of just material and didn't really interact with the crowd much at all. This left me unsure of what to do. I decided that I would just do a good bit of crowd work then do a few written bits and go in and out between that and crowd work. 

So I go up and immediately get big laughs. I actually started off very well. My problem began because I was asking the audience if they had questions for me. I really wanted to get them involved. I wanted to really go with the theme of the show and not just be safe with proven material. 

So I started to lose steam because I was getting lame ass questions. I was still getting laughs but they were light. I have a bit about getting cheated on that I was just about to get into. I started to get into it by talking to a couple. The second I addressed them I heard a dude yell "GET THE FUCK OFF STAGE" (it should be noted at the beginning of the show the host tells the audience they can say this if they don't like a comic. It's kind of a fun thing for them to be involved. Usually they do it when a comic is bombing and it makes everyone around them cheer. When he did it to me tho I was doing ok so everyone just got really quiet and it got awkward but I digress) 

So I hear this and I ask who said it. And someone pointed to a lady. I start ripping on her and actually got a laugh. Turns out she told her husband to yell that because I was getting the light that I had to get off stage and I didn't see it. Still having it happen to me was really humiliating and it sucked because I was the only one it happened to. However I was also the only comic that did nothing but crowd work. And I actually wasn't bombing. I was crushing at the beginning and I was getting laughs throughout. If I had thirty more seconds before that dude yelled I would have been able to do written material just like everyone else did and I know it would have crushed. 

I make no excuses though. I didn't do what I was supposed to. If I'm ever invited back (may or may not happen) I'm doing minimum crowd work at the beginning and going in and out of written material. Even though literally everyone told me written material isn't allowed on that show, it turned out to be completely untrue. I know better now. And if given another chance I know exactly what to do. 

Lesson learned for that show though and for those wondering: I did get the fuck off stage last night but I'm getting right the fuck back on tonight. 

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11 hours ago, Distortedreasoning said:

you brave for going up there performing every time. idk man that sucks. we here for you. 


THIS. @That_One_Guy, the fact that you can get on stage knowing that shitty nights like that can happen is really awesome.

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18 minutes ago, That_One_Guy said:

Btw I really appreciate yall being so nice to me. Didn't think anyone here liked me like that fr

I admire the fuck outta you for doing the kind of job you want to do, which I assume despite everyone around you told you is a ridiculous pipe dream. My dad squashed my dreams of being a professional musician long ago, I enjoy watching people I like not letting that happen to them.

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18 hours ago, That_One_Guy said:

So I did a crowd work show tonight. I was doing ok but apparently it wasn't ok enough. I got told to get the fuck off stage. I feel humiliated man. I haven't felt this way since back when I got bullied. I'm sorry to bother yall with this but I can't vent to anyone irl. But hey if you don't like me you can relish in the fact that I got super humiliated tonight. So there's that. Idk I'm just hurt and needed to vent. I haven't missed this feeling. 

I'm giving you a like as show of support.  I mean, you knew these days would come, but that doesn't make them easy or fun.  Whatever you do, don't lose the hunger that keeps you coming on stage.

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1 hour ago, That_One_Guy said:

Btw I really appreciate yall being so nice to me. Didn't think anyone here liked me like that fr

Lol, thinking about you bathed in that orange light and calling out someone telling you your time is up is kinda funny though. And I think what you're doing is cool and if I had grown up near the east coast I'd have probably fell backassward into comedy. I've loved it since I was really little and now that I'm old there are a lot of nuances to it I appreciate.

Like you knowing you have material that will crush is a cool thing to me cause I've listened to comics talk about building sets and how the ten minute is completely different from a thirty, how it can turn into a rhythm like you're not even talking. Blip blop bloop "HAHAHA" badah tah ting "HAHAHA" doo doo dodoo doo "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Thanks you guys have been great. Best audience prizes can be found inside your assholes.

And lord knows I barely function as an adult, I start work at 230 in the afternoon because I'm fucking useless before 10 am most days. I think about it sometimes, but somewhere it comes to a point of how. It's a wad that should have been shot twenty years ago.

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2 hours ago, GreatBallsOfJizz said:

Lol, thinking about you bathed in that orange light and calling out someone telling you your time is up is kinda funny though. And I think what you're doing is cool and if I had grown up near the east coast I'd have probably fell backassward into comedy. I've loved it since I was really little and now that I'm old there are a lot of nuances to it I appreciate.

Like you knowing you have material that will crush is a cool thing to me cause I've listened to comics talk about building sets and how the ten minute is completely different from a thirty, how it can turn into a rhythm like you're not even talking. Blip blop bloop "HAHAHA" badah tah ting "HAHAHA" doo doo dodoo doo "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Thanks you guys have been great. Best audience prizes can be found inside your assholes.

And lord knows I barely function as an adult, I start work at 230 in the afternoon because I'm fucking useless before 10 am most days. I think about it sometimes, but somewhere it comes to a point of how. It's a wad that should have been shot twenty years ago.

I bet you'd make a good comic. You've got that edge lord thing going

22 hours ago, That_One_Guy said:

I bet you'd make a good comic. You've got that edge lord thing going

If you get the chance, you gotta tell me if you get to NY Comedy Cellar, just to go, not even perform, and get your ass kicked by Bob Kelley and Jim Norton, fucking Keith Robinson and all those asses people hope to see there. Fucking Rich Vos and Colin Quinn, lol. Get your beating and laugh your ass off, if you get a chance to do that it sounds like a fucking blast.

Or at least I hope the Cellar keeps that tradition alive for a long time, no matter who sits around thinking about trying new material.

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