André Toulon Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with it as a kid.....It was a time where if you did wrong, adults could hurt you.......While I can't see me being cool with someone swatting my son or daughter with a plank of wood, the reality is your parents were ok with it. There was always lore behind which teaches gave the worst paddlings and which teachers had the boards basically kitted out for maximum pain.......And it wasn't just the teachers who seemed sadistic at this time, your friends would all line up to listen to you get your ass lit up in the hallway.......It's kinda funny to me now, that there was a time when it was cool to beat kids into submission.......What happened that it was finally taken away....I mean I know some parents got trigged by the concept and eventually it was taken out of public schools (I think some private schools can still get away with it) but was there and glaring instances of abuse that led to it's removal. On the down side, I thinks kids may be worse because teachers have to coddle them now, and kids like to shoot shit up now, but boy do I remember getting my ass waxed so many times back in the day. But the question really is, did you grow up with this.
tsar4 Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 I was. They didn't do it at any of the schools I attended until we moved to a farming community. I was stunned, especially when I saw the paddles used, but those farm boys were used to it. I was never punished that way, but in 7th grade, one kid who was constantly being punished was taken into the hall by a female math teacher for "whacks". When they came back in, she was apologizing profusely. The story I got was that either she or he lost count, he straightened up and she caught him in the small of the back. I think they stopped the practice shortly after that. There might have been a lawsuit involved.
1pooh4u Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 That was a big no no in public schools. I felt bad for my friends that went to Parochial school cuz they got hit. I did witness a teacher slap the shit out of a student once. I was like
André Toulon Posted January 22, 2017 Author Posted January 22, 2017 That was a big no no in public schools. I felt bad for my friends that went to Parochial school cuz they got hit. I did witness a teacher slap the shit out of a student once. I was like It was a common practice where I'm from, but I've onle seen 1 teacher get physical with a student outside of paddling and that was when coach was trying to break up a fight between 4 girls.......One of the girls (my later gf) contacted with his sweets in the melee and he Irish whipped her ass head first into a wall......KO'd her for a few seconds and they took her to the hospital.......Nothing was done otherwise.....No one made a fuss, no law suits......I don't even think he apologized.
BUU8800 Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 In grade school some of the nuns when I was really little had the ruler, but they never used it that I saw. They were gone by like 3rd grade though being so ancient. My dad went to the same school and he experienced it. This woulda been late 60s of course. One non-nun teacher had a literally Yoda sized ruler she'd jokingly refer to as the "board of education" she'd take outta the closet once a year or so.(She taught 5th - 8th graders various classes. Math for 5th and 6th, several for 7th, and History for 8th. Was in her History class the morning of 9/11 actually.) She never used it though. The thing was so massive I doubt she even could. That aside nothing comes to mind.
Zenigundam Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 Never happened at my schools, but I kinda wish a teacher would put hands on me, so that I could beat that ass!!!
1pooh4u Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 It was a common practice where I'm from, but I've onle seen 1 teacher get physical with a student outside of paddling and that was when coach was trying to break up a fight between 4 girls.......One of the girls (my later gf) contacted with his sweets in the melee and he Irish whipped her ass head first into a wall......KO'd her for a few seconds and they took her to the hospital.......Nothing was done otherwise.....No one made a fuss, no law suits......I don't even think he apologized. Damn. In the case I saw the teacher never came back. Maybe she was fired or transferred, I don't know. You're a lot younger than me. I'm surprised they still allowed that kind of punishment
André Toulon Posted January 22, 2017 Author Posted January 22, 2017 Well we ARE talking about Dickwater Louisiana. We aren't known for keeping up.
DragonSinger Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with it as a kid.....It was a time where if you did wrong, adults could hurt you.......While I can't see me being cool with someone swatting my son or daughter with a plank of wood, the reality is your arents were ok with it. There was always lore behind which teaches gave the worst paddlings and which teachers had the boards basically kitted out for maximum pain.......And it wasn't just the teachers who seemed sadistic at this time, your friends would all line up to listen to you get your ass lit up in the hallway.......It's kinda funny to me now, that there was a time when it was cool to beat kids into submission.......What happened that it was finally taken away....I mean I know some parents got trigged by the concept and eventually it was taken out of public schools (I think some private schools can still get away with it) but was there and glaring instances of abuse that led to it's removal. On the down side, I thinks kids may be worse because teachers have to coddle them now, and kids like to shoot shit up now, but boy do I remember getting my ass waxed so many times back in the day. But the question really is, did you grow up with this. I think it might have declined right before I entered elementary school but might have heard about occurences at other schools. It probably wasn't even considered at mine because it was mostly black and hispanic. If a teacher laid a hand on us, odds were high that the kid's parents would whoop that teacher's ass.
tsar4 Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 In grade school some of the nuns when I was really little had the ruler, but they never used it that I saw. They were gone by like 3rd grade though being so ancient. My dad went to the same school and he experienced it. This woulda been late 60s of course. One non-nun teacher had a literally Yoda sized ruler she'd jokingly refer to as the "board of education" she'd take outta the closet once a year or so.(She taught 5th - 8th graders various classes. Math for 5th and 6th, several for 7th, and History for 8th. Was in her History class the morning of 9/11 actually.) She never used it though. The thing was so massive I doubt she even could. That aside nothing comes to mind. Pretty sure I mentioned this on ASMB, but my Dad got the ruler treatment in Catholic School in Chicago (Ukrainian, no less - old world mid 1940's and still there). His older brother was a troublemaker, and Dad was new to the school. The assumption of the Nun was apparently he'd be like his brother. Someone else hit the Nun with a spitwad when her back was turned. She immediately went to my Dad's desk and asked him to put his hands on his desk. Not knowing why, he did as asked - wham (with a metal edged ruler)! He said he looked at his fingers and saw blood, balled up his fist and got her right in the gut, doubling her over. His Dad was called from work into the school office and told what had happened. He turned to my Dad and asked him, "Did you throw the spitwad?". Dad said, "No." Grandfather apparently then reached over and slapped my Dad across the face and asked him again, and Dad said, "NO!". My grandfather turned to the principal/headmaster/Father/whatever and said, "He did not do what he was accused of" and pulled my Dad out of the school. My Dad told me that this was the reason I never attended a parochial school, he wouldn't have it.
fuggnificent Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 Yah i got paddled but only once in 1st grade for something i did that was an accident.
Naraku4656 Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 not at school but i did get my ass beat quite a bit at home for stupid shit
BUU8800 Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 In grade school some of the nuns when I was really little had the ruler, but they never used it that I saw. They were gone by like 3rd grade though being so ancient. My dad went to the same school and he experienced it. This woulda been late 60s of course. One non-nun teacher had a literally Yoda sized ruler she'd jokingly refer to as the "board of education" she'd take outta the closet once a year or so.(She taught 5th - 8th graders various classes. Math for 5th and 6th, several for 7th, and History for 8th. Was in her History class the morning of 9/11 actually.) She never used it though. The thing was so massive I doubt she even could. That aside nothing comes to mind. Just asked my dad about it again and a correction: he was indeed slapped across the face and hit across the wrists with a ruler by nuns in first and second grade, but it was not at the school I attended. He attended that school too, but only in later grades. This woulda happened around 1966/1967. He also around that time saw a nun pick up a kid whose hair was deemed too long, hang him upside down by the legs, and literally mop the floor with his hair. Yeah...He also remembers being grabbed by the back of the neck in fifth grade for arguing with another teacher, this one not a nun.
Admin Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 I caught the tail end of that, I think it was pretty much done by the time I hit Jr High. Oddly enough, all through about 5th grade I think, we had it but nobody ever got punished. But 5th grade I got shifted to this "progressive" school with open classes and no desks and weird shit like that. And THAT'S when I really ran into the corporal punishment thing. There was one dude there who was - seemed an okay guy at first, but of our main set of teachers, he was the only dude. And he seemed real intent on asserting dominance over everything. He would get out this giant plank of wood and make us stand in line in front of him for basically no real reason, kind of waiting for somebody to laugh or react so he could pull us out of line and do his thing. I didn't feel like I learned anything except that some teachers are just assholes. Because all the punishment seemed sort of arbitrary and connected with his moods and what he felt like doing to who. And I was on the receiving end of it several times, but aside from the shock and emotion connected to the act itself, there wasn't really anything to learn. There was never any particularly clear "you did x so you get punished now" it was more like "uh oh Mr Asshole seems pissed off today, somebody's gonna git it".
Mix Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 part of my early schooling was in Africa....i'll let your imagination do the rest :
quebecelegy Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 not me, but pretty much all my family + family friends over 30 got fucked up by the teachers more than a couple of times. he'd throw pencils, rulers, those things you erase the blackboard with at them, and hit them with rulers. their parents would give them the ok sometimes too. and when you got home there was another ass whooping waiting. i hated school, but still cared a little about making my parents happy, so i would try sometimes to get good grades. they wouldn't beat me if i didn't though.
💜 mahala_la_la Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 My 8th grade Algebra teacher had a wooden paddle he'd brandish on occasion. I can't say for certain that he ever used it on anyone, but he damn near broke it across a desk one day.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 My first school was a private Christian school (not catholic) that I attended from approximately 1986 - 1995. This school definitely did not do corporal punishment. And needless to say, the public schools I attended after did not do it either.
Houdini Splicer Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 I was around for it. I got my fair share of it, too. Both at school and at home. Of course, I needed it, 'cause I was a little hellion.
tsar4 Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 I forgot until someone else mentioned it, in that farming community, your parents did have to sign off on corporal punishment. My folks said they did, but I doubt they did considering what my Dad went through in Catholic School. My folks also never employed it either.
NaBarney Posted January 22, 2017 Posted January 22, 2017 Yeah they paddled if your parents signed the form. If your parents didn't sign the form then instead of being paddled for a minute and sent back to class they would force your parents to come pick you up and take you home for at least the rest of the day. Kids who got paddled always came back and were like it was w/e. A weirdly formal process of standing there and getting paddled in the butt w a piece of wood. Sometimes old fat lady teachers would say to kids acting up "stop it Bradley, or I'll send you to the office and it won't be me or Mrs Principal spanking you, I'll get Mr. Large male teacher to hwhack your asshole"
Ric Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 I remember a paddle being at the principals office early on, but don't remember seeing anyone get it. Might have came in at the tail end of it. Got my ass beat at home all the time.
Sawdamizer Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 Not in schools, but my parents certainly believed in beating my ass when I fucked up. Irish households and all.
MEXobiologist Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 by the time i was in school, all that was done away with here. even the catholic schools had mostly done away with it by the early 70's, so i have zero experience with any of that. i like to hear my moms stories though. honestly, its sort of funny to hear some of the shit they got caught doing by the nuns that gained them a lickin
MEXobiologist Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 Not in schools, but my parents certainly believed in beating my ass when I fucked up. now thats some relatable shit! lol >
Kudasai Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 I experienced that but only in the first grade. I changed schools afterwards
André Toulon Posted January 23, 2017 Author Posted January 23, 2017 by the time i was in school, all that was done away with here. even the catholic schools had mostly done away with it by the early 70's, so i have zero experience with any of that. i like to hear my moms stories though. honestly, its sort of funny to hear some of the shit they got caught doing by the nuns that gained them a lickin I guess I'm amazed by how many people never got it in school.....I mean well into the 90s, it was still a thing in the schools I went to. I remember myJr High shop teacher hating when we sat on the shop tables, he would get his paddle and his go to phrase was "If you want some wood on that ass, I'll give it to ya"........We lol'd and lol'd.....Not sure if he ever figured out why since he said it a lot.
MEXobiologist Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 I guess I'm amazed by how many people never got it in school.....I mean well into the 90s, it was still a thing in the schools I went to. I remember myJr High shop teacher hating when we sat on the shop tables, he would get his paddle and his go to phrase was "If you want some wood on that ass, I'll give it to ya"........We lol'd and lol'd.....Not sure if he ever figured out why since he said it a lot. yeah, idk man. i mean, some places still did it in the state but none anywhere near me. even those lil farm towns up north mostly had gotten rid of it. i'm glad tho cuz i got enough of that at home. i distinctly remember the moment my mom decided she was going to switch from wood to plastic cooking utensils for their "durability".... o.0 the only physical engagement that i remember from school is being dragged out of classes by my hair.
Admin Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 I had a cousin once who did something (don't remember what) and my uncle was super pissed and was all like "I'm gonna lick your butt!" and my cousin got this bizarre alarmed/confused/weirded out look on his face.
Derackthehunter Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 I missed the boat on that one. But we had other things to contend with
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