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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. it's the boards dude, you probably just missed a lot of dicks.. which is right up your alley ZING!
  2. molarbear


    I use to love that movie until Genis_sage pointed out that all the animals in that movie are now dead.
  3. I kinda feel like that was a female answer to an actual question I'm not saying you dodged a shit ton of important stuff, I'm just saying I still can't tell if you want to fuck me or not.
  4. This isn't a rag, but by any chance are you working on the server not fucking itself when FFA has more than 4 people in it? If not, is there a plan to fix that, or is it just the servers are being pushed too much? I'm not going to be one of those members that are all "well this place is fucked but I'll stick around and just bitch about it!" I just ask for some transparency on what's going on, and if you guys plan on addressing problems. If you guys are working your asses off to fix this problem, just say so. If it's a problem that cannot be fixed, just say so.
  5. Well at least I know I wont die alone
  6. if you're the dragon, what sort of line would you suggest?
  7. playback is disabled for me
  8. Actually no, I don't drink Caffeine anymore. It's strictly water or booze for me these days
  9. I thought it was strange too, which leads me to believe someone called and said I was having a raging party or something, maybe they think I keep the Coyotes as pets or something... It didn't really bother me though, I was awake and they were very polite. Once I got past the initial phase of "OH SHIT SOMEONE'S DEAD!" I was fine
  10. you kids and your drugs
  11. I had that same question, they said it the noise complaint was in the area.. if that was true then why did they pick my house? Also there's one lamp on and i'm listening to music with headphones so there's literally no noise coming from my house The only right thing to do in this situation is egg every house around me
  12. literally just got done talking to 2 cops who said someone filed a noise complaint in my area of the neighborhood. Tell them there are coyotes in the field behind the house sometimes and that may have been it, right about then what sounds like an end of the world coyote fuckfest seems to start up
  13. You can always move to OK! Liquor stores have to close at 9pm and aren't open on Sundays, also the points don't matter.
  14. :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
  15. Close
  16. I remember those, they always seemed to be huge drama fest
  17. I'm not worthy to be in your presence
  18. One time I took fake barf to the movie theater and dropped it from the balcony and make a puking sound as I did it, then everyone started puking all over
  19. I cannot blow a bubble with gum whenever people start doing it around me I quickly spit my gum out and pretend like I lost it somewhere
  20. I assume you've alarmed the National Guard about said Island, correct?
  21. I go through a can of grizzly a day overindulge on alcohol way too frequently I also eat way too much red meat for someone who's family has a history of heart problems The plus side is I don't drink pop, caffeine, or sugary drinks, I splurge every now and then if I'm at Sonic and get a Cherry Limeade but that's like 3-4 times a year
  22. I hate when I lose things and people tell me "it's where you last put it." NO FUCKING SHIT SHERLOCK CLEARLY I'VE FORGOTTEN WHERE THAT WAS!
  23. when you say "band" what exactly do you mean? Did you find a fucking carrier pigeon? If so, that note was meant for Kate Upton..... >.>
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgqGZbjOPqI
  25. Duckhunt It came with Mario/track and field We played it first because we wanted to use the light gun
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