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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. Where you're driving and look over and you're all "That dude in that car looks like Rob Lowe... but why would he be here?" Then you go about your day and hear Rob Lowe was in town for the 30th anniversary of the Outsiders. TL:DR I think I saw Rob Lowe today.... I also have popcorn
  2. I honestly can't get into it unless OU is in and, they're a football school..... So once every 5-6 years I can get into it.
  3. I always lose my shit when it snows! I'll run out as soon as it's accumulated a little in just my pj's/shorts and shoes and go crunch around in it.
  4. molarbear

    original NES

    I usually bust it out if I have guests over, people get a kick out of it.
  5. I had a friend that ate pizza cold .....Had
  6. porn, and a lotta booze. I find personal medication helps with the whole "I'm dead inside" thing.
  7. gonna put this in the file with "got bit by a copperhead and didn't seek medical attention and turned out fine."
  8. My Mom managed to live in a household with my Dad, Older Brother, and myself for 22 years and only slightly lost her mind.
  9. My bullshit meter is going off the GOD DAMN charts on that one
  10. You sound like an old lady using a typewriter
  11. I get what you're saying, look at "The Dome" though. They tried turning that into a TV series and butchered it. They could do a mini series like "The Stand" but you'd never be able to fit all the books into that either. it'd be like a month long mini series at the least, and we're in a time where peoples attention spans are at their lowest.
  12. I dunno, the N64 and Gamecube are still fun to polish off every now and then
  13. I didn't even know we could change our names......
  14. Ass much as that dude came off as an asshole, he was pretty fun to hang with IRL
  15. I quit keeping up around the black Goku story arc
  16. My pupper
  17. you could always hack off one of your fingers
  18. The only time I'd hit that was if I was going 45 in my truck at night and it jumped out in front of me at the last second
  19. That's actually a possibility. The plan is supposedly if the movie does well enough, Ron Howard is going to make a tv series to fill in the blanks between the two movies. I agree with you, it probably will suck. I posted a leaked trailer that isn't complete over in the movie folder if you want a little sneak peak. *edit nvm, the video was pulled from youtube
  20. Is this how people join Scientology?
  21. I got the idea from the note sherry left behind and the whole "We always joked you'd show up and save the day with pretzels and beer" that Dwight was possibly planning on showing up and running off when her when they showed him leaving a bag of pretzels and beer in the house. I don't know how i feel about Negan. I don't know if he's really well written, Jeffrey Morgan is a really good actor, or it's a combination of the both. I want to hate the guy, I mean he's clearly evil, but, the way he acts in the show I honestly get the vibe that Negan thinks, in his head, that he's doing the right thing and his actions are justified.
  22. See, I've only taken it once before. I dunno if it's just me fighting it or what but I don't feel sleepy at all
  23. it did open up my nose but..... should I have got some ZZZquil instead?
  24. is that healthy?
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