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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. I'm not a big fan of sleep aides because I have a strange phobia of them but, my Sinus problems have been out of control. How long does it usually take before you start getting sleepy after taking it? It's been almost an hour and the only thing it's caused me to do is feel like i'm high
  2. I'm currently listening to this one
  3. This was actually explained to me by a friend that works at Boeing in a State where it's legalized. It's Legal via State but but not Federally, therefore, if the company has a contract for the Federal Government or, someone is employed by the Federal Government even in a legal State, they can still axe you for testing positive for Marijuana.
  4. We've seen that at least some if not most of those houses are two stories tall. That wall is tall, but it doesn't look tall enough to block the windows on a two story house. That and, light pollution is almost non existent at this point. Think of it like being in a plane at night, you're 20-30,000 feet in the air but you can still see lights on the ground, imagine being on a hill with a semi view of Alexandria at night... Candle's don't burn as bright as a bulb and neither do lamps, you're gonna know that they have some kind of power source to their places.
  5. They reminded me of that weird Amish cult from X-files back in the day
  6. I'll give you the Kingdom but I don't believe it's far from Hilltop because Daryl has no problem walking there. (Granted, Daryl is a proven badass at this point) The Hilltop argument I see what your point but, when the Saviors blocked the road repeatedly and caught them all we have no idea how much they had progressed and a prego Maggie had no walked to the Hilltop from that point. Tara went back on foot when she escaped from Oceanside. Granted maybe they didn't feel the need to show the passage of time, but, she got across the bridge and it was daylight. When she gets back to Alexandria... it's still daylight. I'm not expecting anyone to have all the answers, these are just small fallacies that bug me in a show I otherwise really enjoy. That last part about the gas/fuel becoming scarce. They may have mentioned it in the show already but I missed it, have they ever given an idea of how much time has passed since the outbreak started? Do they do so in the Comics? I'm only asking because I was wondering if Gas/fuel was hard to come by because it was scarce or it had simply gone bad.
  7. You know those arcade basketball games where the goal moves and you gotta shoot the basketballs at it? I injured my shoulder playing one of those once.... I still have no idea how
  8. I prefer underwear to being nude honestly it protects my junk from spiders I don't want to be that dude that has to explain his junk got bit by a brown recluse and rotted off
  9. They still make that stuff?
  10. I could be wrong but, I believe it's an old battleship... possibly from the Civil War era
  11. I never disagreed
  12. Keith Richards Whatever type of creation he is, I want to be able to party like it's 1699 every year like he does.
  13. I dunno, I hate coffee I've only been there once because my friend's wife was pregnant and wanted some kind of strange caffeinated beverage and she wanted whip cream blended into it and on top. She then lectured me about how iced coffee was completely different from normal coffee and urged me to take a sip of her drink for a solid 10 mins I finally took a sip and feigned that it didn't taste like coffee just to get her to leave me alone
  14. I got a couple hours left before I get to that point
  15. I dunno, they did have their own "Bar named" cabinet that was literally custom built cabinet with an emulator and tons of roms. You get 60 seconds to scroll through them all and attempt to remember the number of the game you want to play, I picked metal slug but as previously mentioned, someone had spilled beer on the machine and all the buttons were sticking and failing.
  16. This place has Sunset Riders, Tron, Golden Axe, They had a guilty gear machine but it's down, the old Captain American game, and then all the really old classics.
  17. I have no idea what that is
  18. I actually kicked my cousin's ass at it tonight. I manage to hit 3 1000 circles in a game. I may have discovered a new super power I have while drinking.
  19. We only have one, the bar has their own custom built cabinet with a metric fuckton of games on it I wanted to play but someone apparently spilled beer on it.
  20. My brother and I tried to beat Sunset Riders for the first time ever... we failed about 5 levels in and then I failed at Tron
  21. I'd probably be broke in 2 weeks
  22. I'm not a social person per say but, before I got to my old job none of the dudes in my cell (we called different sections cells for some reason even though it wasn't a prison.) ate lunch together. I felt bad one day because the dude training me was eating lunch in the break room of our sell alone so I sat with him, then the dude I got hired on with that I knew came in with his brother in law, then the 2 old dudes joined us eventually. All we did was bitch about work together and make fun of each other. Eventually one of the guys wife started making food for all of us and sending it with him. I have no idea how it all happened.... but it did. TL:DR, shoot ear plugs at someone and then eventually their wife will start making you food.
  23. That happened to have a full bar in it My life is complete now
  24. 4, my great, great Grandfather on my Dad's side came over on a boat from Italy.
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