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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Dam dude I'm glad your okay and back home but your ear yikes Get well
  2. My glorious profile pic anime asf
  3. Because I can link my samsung phone to it and I just like them
  4. One Piece 950-986
  5. And we gone
  6. Dude one of the strongest villans in Bleach Luffy had a tough time fighting him
  7. Phillies that's a name I haven't heard in awhile
  8. Only when we wanna be funny
  9. Happy Birthday Ric I'm missing those hentai reviews
  10. I live in California and I can confirm that I dint see a single pigeon for about a month....i know they are updating the software and changing the batteries on them
  11. Just wait for the im turning 21 in 2021 kids
  12. I gotta watch season 1 good thing for reruns
  13. Stick to the balloon content
  14. well the ones who stayed are the real ones
  15. I just saw everything Pirate Princess looks cool i hope its decently good and can keep me tunning after each ep Blade Runner seems super interesting And of course Uzumaki can wait for that...dam you 2020 delaying it 2021 the hype is real
  16. Happy Birthday dude
  17. I'm semi ready
  18. Happy Anni cheers
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