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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Grave of the Fireflies 9/10 Finally saw this and I have to say what a movie that ending got me. Def a must watch
  2. So your saying we need more like emojis
  3. You go glen coco
  4. Perhaps
  5. Shes gonna pull to your crib and say get In looser we are going to do some randonautica
  6. Rip As a kid I watched jeopardy all the time trying to see if I knew some of the questions he was a great host
  7. Well shit
  8. They cool songs
  9. This is pretty neat
  10. I dont really eat chocolate so no..no I haven't
  11. Does sex count
  12. It is indeed fine good jah
  13. My body is a temple
  14. It looks alot like soul eater in character designs did they same studio animate it
  15. Best of luck if they reply if not you got it out there and that's all that matters
  16. I still haven't really seen the show People like it right
  17. Happy Birthday dude hope your doing well have a good one
  18. Game 4 was incredible Like woah that ending those errors
  19. Yes off brand ones but we got some in shelves
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