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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. ... you can summon him to get three wishes but you gotta rub the lamp. And I mean really get in there until your Aunt "relaxes". What do you wish for?
  2. KH1, KH:Chain of Memories, KH2. Stop there. After part 2 they got a massive boner for spinoff games on multiple consoles that are pretty much 100% re-used worlds save for maybe 45 minutes of storyline that becomes required knowledge for KH3 to make sense. I mean, CoM is the same thing for part 2 ... but it's only 1 game instead of fucking fifty or whatever.
  3. Let's take at my activity calendar for the month and see what sacrifices to my outdoor activity I'd have to give up ...
  4. Your face get ass.
  5. Happy birthday.
  6. Your face get out.
  7. Hey. Hey. Get your own shit.
  8. The "simulcast" shit the bed and now the sub is two episodes ahead of the dub. While the dub for the next episode is very available now, they probably want to preserve the distance between the release and the time the episodes show up on TV. To re-word that into something less convoluted, what we are seeing on AS was available weeks ago through other sources. Those episodes got delayed by a week twice. So if these don't take some timeouts to match them they'll catch up to those and that would be ... bad apparently.
  9. I figure they may just move the entire server into real time for communication. As for why they can't leave it that way who knows. As for the whole soul thing, I have a suspicion that the guy may be slightly unbalanced and may have imagined what he saw ... then again he did see that lady's boyfriend when he killed her.
  10. By the way I feel like this is that video you guys were talking about. It doesn't explicitly state the people were racist, but the fact he flat out rejects him without much reason makes me think so .. maybe.
  11. This stuff has made the news a few times before. Shame they didn't hand these out with candy.
  12. Also, favortie.
  13. Where are you guys getting "mashed potatoes"? That clearly says "Mash potatoes". He likes potatoes that are for him to mash. He already said what he wanted. Rotten potatoes. Well either that or collector's potatoes themed off of a television show from the '70s.
  14. That would be the metformin I take for the diabeetus. But there's probably more sugar in white bread because anything that tastes better than something else that is similar usually fuckin' does.
  15. I fucking hate the santa baby song. Filthy slut trying to sweet talk father christmas into giving her a bunch of swag.
  16. Seems to me honey wheat would just be sweetened wheat. So basically shit with honey mixed into it.
  17. https://www.thekitchn.com/whole-wheat-might-not-be-healthier-than-white-bread-252828 We've been fed lies.
  18. No situation with men can't be solved with an apology boob pic.
  19. I'm gonna have already put my tit in the punch.
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