Your parachutes deploy successfully and the buffalo explodes. Suddenly you are stricken with explosive diarrhea and interrupt a wedding below. You are sued and jailed. You die from eating bad prison cheese.
It lands on the edge of the cliff, about to fall off. As you bend over to grab the sandwich you lose your balance and begin to fall forward. You can put your hands down to balance yourself but you will crush your sandwich.
What do you do?
Start working on my ass game so I can use it while my potential dating pool isn't almost entirely composed of aging divorcees and shut-ins.
Lament the loss of all my complete save files on the video games I now have yet to play.
I was alive for most of the 80s. Despite my teen years happening during the 90s I mostly hated the shit out of the trends from it. I was absolutely an old man by that point.