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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. I could name all the US state capitals by memory in 5th grade. I won a local Blockbuster World Video Game Championship in 1995. I've been told it was for the entire state of Tennessee but I believe it was just for the store. Regardless I got an entire year's worth of video game rentals for free. ( 1 per month. Not the most amazing thing. Then again I ran out of games I wanted to play by the third month. ) I sold $1000 worth of tickets ( to nobody fucking remembers ) in the cub scouts and won an entire car trunk full of survival swag. Also a bike that I later broke with my lard ass.
  2. Tomato juice tastes like warm ass regardless of temperature so you could argue drinking it at any temperature results in the same experience. Thus room temperature will technically get you the best experience you can have with it.
  3. Y'know ... this is just a random thing I noticed but I wonder if this rock has anything to do with the rock in the ending at the base of the statue.
  4. Seconded.
  5. 2020 Has Been 2012 This Whole Time As the original Tweet in the deleted thread from Paolo Tagaloguin put it: “The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days… For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years.” Which would mean that, “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012…”
  6. There are many "up" looks that aren't bad. But the straight up regular bun is the ultimate bitch hairstyle. I can't in good spirits choose any option that includes it.
  7. You imply I am not already in your house.
  8. I mean, is there even gonna be a Halloween this year? Door to door stuff was already a big hell no in most communities and items being handed out by strangers to kids with all their rona jizz on it is probably gonna cut that out entirely. Parties, strangely enough ones encouraging masks to begin with, will still likely not happen. Haunted houses/woods will be out. I guess you could enjoy the warm autumn nights because fall isn't a thing any more. Sucks because I fucking love Halloween, but I wonder if people are even gonna bother this year.
  9. Azalar Hex


  10. O
  11. Azalar Hex


  12. Azalar Hex


  13. Azalar Hex


    Because I like boob.
  14. porn.
  15. Azalar Hex


  16. Azalar Hex


  17. Avatar. When I had never heard of it and it's on my fucking cup at the fast food restaurant and every second commercial on TV is talking about it and online it's in an ad every fucking where I shut it right the fuck out of my planned viewing. Overhype pisses me right the fuck off.
  18. Assalar_Fat ... weak. Fatafat_Fat.
  19. Of course xmas stuff is up already. It's the biggest spending event of the year. Gotta get people in those stores buying up stuff and spending that cash they are all hoarding from those poor widdle businesses before the second covid waves come in and kills all the customers.
  20. I have been plagiarized! Is this what you want you bastards!?
  21. This is a america. We reject all depictions of a female that involve the nipple or a vaginal lip.
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