I pick two exercises a week and do them for 4 days. Resting is important as it gives time for your muscles to heal. I l do various weight lifts, pull ups, chin ups, sit ups, push ups(various kinds), a bit of cardio to get my stamina up.
Switching exercises each week keeps your body from getting use to them. I usually have my single hand weight set to 50lbs and do a total of 30 or 100 reps depending on the lift. I do usually do a total of 100 push ups(3 sets of whatever), 100 sit ups(two sets of 50) and a total of 30 reps of chin/pull ups. Not going to claim this is great but it's how I do.
I don't eat a lot of junk food but other than that, I eat whatever I want because my metabolism is super high. I'm 6'3 and I'm at 160 lbs.