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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. A SATA SSD was around 100 dollars per gig 4-5 years or so. Prices have been steadily dropping with popularity, thankfully.
  2. Liquid cooling has been a thing for quite a while and I've been noticing more people going back to air coolers. Honestly I prefer liquid just because they're easier for me to install.
  3. Case is plenty big enough with how it's compartmentalized. https://www.newegg.com/black-cooler-master-haf-series-atx-desktop/p/N82E16811119265?Description=coolermaster&cm_re=coolermaster-_-11-119-265-_-Product
  4. That's at least the 2nd time I've seen him on there. First thread didn't get a lot of comments and the one you found only has 2 comments including your own.
  5. I figured everybody knew that.
  6. Sieg67

    stale bread

    ...How'd you know my secret ingredient?
  7. Sieg67

    stale bread

    Those girls are evil and cut throat. Somebody needs to take them down and it may as well be middle age weebs.
  8. Sieg67

    stale bread

    That's why we have to cut their distribution routes and invade their turf. Gawd. I gotta think of everything.
  9. Sieg67

    stale bread

    What if....we sell girl scout cookies?
  10. Currently on my 2nd play through on the Index. Played it the first time on normal and current play through is on hard with Gnome Chompski in tow. The main difference I've noticed is that the Combine and Antlions take a few more bullets. Speaking of segues, ammo seems to be a little harder to keep but the game does a good job of making sure you never run out of ammo with magical spawns. It's nice playing a game armed with the knowledge gained from the first play though but I'm still discovering new things.
  11. Bethesda has been leaving a real bad taste in my mouth lately. They need to step up their game and stop with their cheap bullshit.
  12. It found Professor Oaks cocaine stash.
  13. I already answered this.
  14. I smother the chicken.
  15. The one in the picture.
  16. It's the final hot sauce on Hot Ones, a popular show on Youtube where a dude interviews celebrities while eating a series of hot wings.
  17. My brother ordered some and it's not actually that bad. I mean, it's spicy but not I'm going to die spicy.
  18. I'm surprised Moses just didn't part the cars with god power or something.
  19. Diplomacy. Lure it out with whatever roaches eat, become friends with it, learn the ways of it's people, come to an understanding and then smack it with a shoe.
  20. I remember my manager being late one day because she fell asleep in a tub.
  21. Well I do spend a lot more time on Reddit and Youtube than I do here.
  22. Are you still sleeping now?
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