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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. That's true. Water cooling is just a personal preference. I prefer AIOs over a large tower cooler because they allow me to access other components easier, I never have to worry about clearance with the side panel and find it's easier to mount a water block.
  2. I recently put a Kraken x53 in mine and reused the Noctua fans that were on my H100i GTX. I had the H100i for a few years but it never ruptured or leaked. The performance was just getting low but that may have just been the dust...Gotta remember to take the rad out and clean it more often.
  3. Keep in mind that Greeny can always add an M.2 later. That's what I did with my current build. I reused my HDDs and then got an M.2 a few months later. Also I recently picked up a smaller SATA SSD just because I had a 10 dollar Newegg coupon to use. Greeny, that wouldn't be my first choice in cards but the build looks solid enough.
  4. Or is it referring to Sesshōmaru's daughters? It's been a few years since I've seen the series but Sesshōmaru is full demon.
  5. Adult Swim should air it and then cancel the show before it's finished. It'll be like the good ol' days.
  6. This goes through my mind every time I see a pair of tongs.
  7. May be smoke. I live in Kansas and we were getting some smoke last week.
  8. It takes about 30 minutes for me to walk to work. I would like to do it regularly but I need my car to make bank runs.
  9. You gotta set ground rules with your animals, mang.
  10. Rewarding bad behavior can't be good.
  11. I've realized that I can have dreams that can be considered nightmares and they just don't faze me.
  12. That's something I like about Netflix anime. They give you a choice.
  13. Would be great choice for super hero movies.
  14. Surprised anyone here cared enough.
  15. I've never been to a fast food joint that actually had super spicy food.
  16. Sometimes I'll put it in warm water. Seems to work alright.
  17. Did she say "Niiicee" afterwards?
  18. The same way we knew phone numbers. Either that or calendars.
  19. Sieg67


    Ok. I'll be there in....several hours....or days. Searching the entire US takes time.
  20. Sieg67


    There's not really much of a way of knowing, but I do wonder if people were commonly misquoting the line before movies started parodying it.
  21. Well yeah. That's where girls come from.
  22. Land lines? Like what the Romans used?
  23. You sure?
  24. I haven't eaten it in a few years but I remember only liking spam when I'm hungry.
  25. I would say 5 or a 6. Not super clean but passed quickly enough. Size was ok but nothing to write home about.
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