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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. My last remaining grandparent is 9 hours away.
  2. Pretty sure I joined in '05. That would have put me at 17 or 18. Felt like I was younger than that but I guess not.
  3. I 'members you. Ninja_Jesus is a hard name to forget. Mind expanding on that scheme? I'd like to hear the story.
  4. I got a crock pot that I've just been using as a rice cooker. I've been throwing mixed vegetables, green onion, chicken and pineapple in it with zechwan sauce. I picked up some chicken broth but don't know what I'm going to use it for yet.
  5. Yes.
  6. I'm starting to think that autotune should be banned just so we can start getting some real talent in the spot light.
  7. 8.75 x 8.75 inche and 3.5 inches deep. Yes, I actually measured it out to answer this. My older brother is a bit of a hoarder and very unorganized so most of the stuff is his. I personally hate clutter.
  8. By the way, the contents were... Hammer Pliers x 2 Snippers Nails Multi screwdriver Glasses screwdriver Screws Tacks Tape Glue Calking Microfiber cloth Regular deck of playing cards The Princess Pride themed playing cards Evangelion themed playing cards A single DBZ card Dice Half of a cigarette container Plumbers tape Appliance manuals A couple of paystubs Batteries Medical paperwork of a friend who I haven't seen in years Some plastic base thing IDK Two pieces of my brothers foot spa Dick Sporting Goods discount cards Various papers The Sims USB drive Scorpion wrest band Brothers high school ID from the early 2000's Brothers old expired drivers license Spare oven knobs Crumbs Hand brace
  9. I threw out the batteries because they eventually expire and will leak acid. That's not a good time. My boss was going to throw out a couple of plastic drawers so I snagged them. I grouped the items, put them in the drawers and shoved them in a closet. I've been wanting to find a use for the plastic drawers and I've also been wanting to clean out that kitchen drawer so I can use it for cooking stuffs and it just clicked yesterday. I know what you're thinking, "This is very interesting." and "I'm so glad you're sharing this, Sieg. My life now feels fulfilled."
  10. And turned it into a regular kitchen drawer. Feels good, man.
  11. That would make more sense since the sock doesn't look tight enough to be a capo. Looks like it's covering the 1st two frets. That would put the inlays in the typical spots of 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 15, 17, 19 and 21. Looks like a Les Paul without the pick guard which is why there's a screw next to the pickup. The one I have looks similar.
  12. Are you using a sock as a capo?
  13. I think people just look younger now that we don't spend a lot of time outside. The sun ages your skin. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trucker-accumulates-skin-damage-on-left-side-of-his-face-after-28-years-on-the-road/
  14. Yes, as in it completely consumes your life and you don't want to do anything but drink. You get to the point where you have to consume copious amounts of alcohol just to feel normal. You can't afford anything because you spend all of your money on it. I figure the best way to avoid all of this is by not drinking at all. It's not worth the risk .
  15. This is why I never got into drinking. If one tends to do stupid shit and acts like an asshole when drunk, that makes drinking a bad decision. Not to mention that it can ruin your life if you get too addicted. "But it makes me feel good." you say. Well yes, alcohol is a drug.
  16. Zeni was trolling the ASMB for about as long as it existed and then came over here when they closed down. A mod finally got tired of his shit here and perma banned him. About the same story with Fuggs and Bucket.
  18. You don't shout into phones? How else will people hear me from so far away?
  19. Besides karma, the one good thing I see coming out of this is that his dumb fuck supporters can no longer deny that Covid-19 is real. But...the supporters that believe that Covid-19 is real but not something to worry about will have that belief reinforced when Trump gets better. You know Trump his going to lie is ass off about it.
  20. I purchased doughnuts for the first time in my life a couple of days ago. I mean, I've had them before but I never actually spent my own money on them.
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