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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Wasn't expecting to see Zeni nipples today but here we are...
  2. My attachment may violate your asshole but it still isn't as creepy as Biden.
  3. People are spending alright. Business is booming...at least for now.
  4. I work retail so I still have a job. My older brother works as a dishwasher. He technically still has a job but they really don't need him right now so he filed for unemployment. My younger brother got laid off from Spirit but that was Boeing's fault. He was waiting after his cruise to get a new job but I have to wonder if that's still going to happen.
  5. Sieg67


    Hope she kicks it's ass. Nice to see you again, btw. Haven't seen one of your posts in a while.
  7. Is this coworker actually you?
  8. Smoking also slows down the healing process. In any case, you'd be better off quitting. Waste of money and bad for your health.
  9. I I
  10. I went to Taco Bell with my gal pal yesterday and they gave us extra nacho fries for taking a while. It pays to be patient and it's no use getting mad over something that the workers have no control over. They're doing their best for probably shit pay.
  11. Jim Carry's gonna Jim Carry.
  12. I see that you're my number one fan, Phobee.
  13. That would change me from a Cancer to a Gemini but it doesn't matter because they're all bullshit. Only gullible people believe in horoscopes.
  14. Your body should get use to it if you do it regularly.
  15. The waybackmachine is being difficult but I believe I made my first account in either 04 or 05.
  16. I'm eventually going to get an small electric duster. It'll eventually pay for itself and it'll encourage me to clean out my computer more often.
  17. Don't really understand your comment. I wasn't talking about your keyboard. The person I replied to is abusing a policy by lying because they're too lazy to clean a keyboard.
  18. History aside, people are still getting kidnapped, sold and exploited. Shitty world we live in. As far as money, it's a necessity as long as their are lazy and entitled people. It also simplifies trading.
  19. I think that's pretty shitty of you. Just clean your damn keyboard.
  20. I work retail and we get a few of them daily. I personally rarely use cash because there's really no reason too.
  21. Alright....250 dollars.
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