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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Just going to leave this here.
  2. Now you've done it. Time to bring out the big guns. This is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it. That does not. make. sense.
  4. Look. Look with your special eyes.
  5. Not quite. 2006. I did a reverse image search and found an old article.
  6. I have one atop of my book shelf. It hasn't been used in years.
  7. This is a really old picture if I remember right.
  8. I'm guessing that you're still waiting on the processor? That's usually the first thing I put in.
  9. Hey guys. I just want to say that I'm in no way contributing to getting the counts up in this thread. I will not make a single post here. NOT. A. SINGLE. POST.
  10. Bed?
  11. Now there's a familiar face.
  12. But fake internet points brah. You gotta get them points like they're the only thing that validates your existence.
  13. Sieg67


    Is this a pornhub video number or something?
  14. We had an older guy the other day that wanted filters. We had to literally yell at him. He eventually got frustrated and left when he still couldn't hear us.
  15. I've devastated a box of chocolates.
  16. I want the first thing Biden says after he wins to be "ALRIGHT BOYS, LET'S TAKE AWAY THE GUNS" Just to troll the conservatives.
  17. Sieg67


  18. This makes a lot of sense if you consider who made Shin Godzilla. Also I've realized that Hideaki but have gotten a lot of inspiration from Godzilla after I finally got around to watching the first movie the other day.
  19. You should get a poster of this. It's perfect for you.
  20. Snowflakes, apparently.
  21. I thought it was going to be this.
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