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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. I'm not trying to bust your balls. It's just my curiosity.
  2. Are you sure it wasn't an option to pause the download? The download and install are two different things.
  3. My dentist told me most toothpaste works about the same. I get the multi-packs of whatever when they're on sale. I recommend not using that charcoal stuff as a daily paste because the carbon will probably grind down your enamel.
  4. It's usually a good idea to not interrupt the installation of updates. Stuff can get screwy.
  5. That's a long time for updates. You should be able to go into the settings and choose when to update it.
  6. I can safely say that I never think about your dick.
  7. Pretty normal dog stuff.
  8. I pick two exercises a week and do them for 4 days. Resting is important as it gives time for your muscles to heal. I l do various weight lifts, pull ups, chin ups, sit ups, push ups(various kinds), a bit of cardio to get my stamina up. Switching exercises each week keeps your body from getting use to them. I usually have my single hand weight set to 50lbs and do a total of 30 or 100 reps depending on the lift. I do usually do a total of 100 push ups(3 sets of whatever), 100 sit ups(two sets of 50) and a total of 30 reps of chin/pull ups. Not going to claim this is great but it's how I do. I don't eat a lot of junk food but other than that, I eat whatever I want because my metabolism is super high. I'm 6'3 and I'm at 160 lbs.
  9. Sieg67

    I'm blue.

    da ba dee da ba die
  10. I realize you have everything resolved now but remember that there are sites where you can get Win10 keys for cheap. Or you can do what I do and pirate Windows. >.>
  11. The elderly like to walk the malls in the morning for exercise.
  12. Well I'm going to take a poop. Doesn't count unless I tell everyone. Really though, it's good that you're trying to better yourself.
  13. *nods* No.
  14. Except I've been exercising for years?
  15. Phat_Sieg😎
  16. It's just goofy fun. A lot of games can be simplified. Like most shooters "All you do is shoot things"
  17. Any of the Harry Potters and I've only seen one LoTR.
  18. Maybe you just look soft and they thought you couldn't handle the heat. : p Although Taco Bell hot sauce is hardly spicy.
  19. I think I've purchased cookies once in the last 12 years and that was only because they were on clearance. Sandwiches make better snacks.
  20. It nice to see so many people here.
  21. We're all Bucket.
  22. Desk built by my current stepfater so it's a little weird. Like there's just a hole where a drawer should be.
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