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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Ohh right. That was Lupin Bebop.
  2. Weren't you also having problems on twitch the other day?
  3. I don't go on tik That would require me to go onto Tiktok so no.
  4. Banana pudding with wafers. Awww yeah.
  5. Can't you just make a cheat sheet to use if needed? Back in my day, we would write stuff on paper.
  6. So what you're saying is that when Packard said that anybody who can read Kanji would recognize it, he was wrong? Whaaaaa
  7. You're reading too much into this or trying to turn this into something it isn't. Or maybe you're just inflexible with the definition. I can say that I rarely use the word "flabbergasted" but that would in no way make the word obsolete. That's just a Kanji that isn't used often. Rare can mean something that doesn't often occur.
  8. I imagine it's just something that's not used often. I looked up the first one he posted and it translated to broken heaven. That's not exactly something one would use in everyday conversation.
  9. You didn't know that Snopes is for liberals. How dare you come to my hood, presenting those facts to try to alter my fragile reality that only exist due to my willful ignorance?
  10. It's said that he won 299 out of 300 wrestling matches so that seems like a good qualifier for presidency.
  11. You don't seem to be very good at drawing these.
  12. I haven't seen one of those in years. Our machines just have a single slot like what you'd find on a soda machine. They also allow me to pay with an app on my phone.
  13. Update: I got my 2nd shot on the 28th and felt like poo for 2 days. Kinda felt like a cold which makes sense because your body identifies the spike protein it's building as a threat that it wants to get rid of. Didn't really feel anything unusual from the first shot except for a sore arm. I still recommend anybody who hasn't been vaccinated to do so because I'm sure covid-19 feels much worse and lasts much longer. Not to mention dramatically reducing the chances of spreading it and all of that.
  14. Honey Scooters although I tend to mix them up a bit.
  15. This cat looks like it's drugged up.
  16. Never expected to see this.
  17. Update: Got gas yesterday with no issues at all other than a slightly higher than average price.
  18. I've been using FF and I haven't seen it on here.
  19. bnmjy 3 people viewed my profile on the first. Wonder why.
  20. autonomous submarines mentioning butter
  21. They may have switched after the blood clotting report came out.
  22. No, the cure...is Cau-bell. EDIT: Joke has been done in another thread. Ignore me.
  23. Cocoa Puffs. Not even once.
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