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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. I don't think this is the reason but the number 4 is considered bad luck in Japan. It can be pronounced "shi" which sounds like their word for death.
  2. Or he has a secret bank account he's not telling you about.
  3. Is it really donating if you're getting paid for it?
  4. I didn't know what a Zumiez was but that's cool, I guess. I hope the stores are bigger because Hot Topic was hard to move around in before. Or do you mean the companies merged and both stores are still the same?
  5. Cory in the House.
  6. Have you guys tried sweeping your forests? /s
  7. Went to see if I could buy the CD on eBay and they want 100's of dollars for it. I think I'll stick to pirating.
  8. I always felt that the pirates from The Last Air Bender were giving a nod to that show.
  9. This would be the first thing I would check. Open the top of the laptop and reseat the cable. You can either look up how to do that yourself or you can tell me the make and model so that I can walk you through it.
  10. Just adding my experience. I got my two shots at Walmart. They did ask if I had an insurance card but it didn't matter that I didn't have it on me. To be far, I didn't go in to get the shot. They walked up and asked me.
  11. If you're shopping online, look for data transfer speeds. I'm not sure if specs like that would be listed on brick and mortar store boxes. Edit:Spelling
  12. 85. 45 would run my electric bill through the roof and would be too cold.
  13. So I had a customer today try to tell me that COVID-19 is a government manufactured virus. /:
  14. #blameric
  15. My time with candy cigarettes were short lived.
  16. I rarely even remember my dreams and no. Why would you treat somebody differently for something that didn't actually happen?
  17. Count calories, don't eat junk food(or at least a lot of it) and exercise. The only real trick to staying fit and putting effort into it.
  18. I remember seeing that picture as a banner but not as a link. But that's also something I could very easily have not noticed.
  19. The New Testament doesn't have anything on the subject so that still can't be used to justify their position. Also, all Bibles are made up. They're changed and edited to reflect the changing times.
  20. Oh sure. We don't want you Googling anything yourself. You know, because it takes so much effort. Wouldn't want you to strain yourself. FFS https://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2018/02/03/bible-commands-abortion-part-1/ https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/says_about/abortion.html
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