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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Sounds like she was a......real heel.
  2. But then caved in and spent 400 dollars yesterday....and 90 dollars today.😐 But hey, at least I feel like I got a good deal on the stuff I didn't need.
  3. If there was only some way we could go to our profiles to check our posts.
  4. The game with the big circle next to it is among my favorites. It's a touch rhythm game. There's a card that lets you save your profile and unlock stuff. My fingers can end up stinging if I set the difficulty too high.
  5. I have nothing else going on right now.
  6. Storage=/=Memory. I'm not a fan of Apple but I have never needed expandable storage because my phone isn't full of unnecessary shit.
  7. I mean, I don't believe there are any phones that let you expand the RAM.
  8. I've spent over $40 trying to get a fig before. Trick is going on a super busy day and snatching the near wins. Each one of those only took 1 try because they were so close to being won except for Frieza. He took two tries. This isn't my location but it's the same company and it looks very similar to the one here. And yes, I live in the 90's. I'm doing what people call "Surfing the net." It's pretty rad.
  9. Today was a good day.
  10. I am now part of that shortage. Two of my coworkers and I had enough of being overworked and underpaid so we all quit last week. The store now has no manager so it has been shut down for the last couple of days.
  11. Not really but I think a battery for a flip phone or a Laughing Man button are among the first. The earliest thing my Amazon has listed is the FLCL set which was ordered in 2011.
  12. You think a simple accident is failing at life? Go find some other way to get yourself off.
  13. Trust me, it's not a good idea to put juice in your cereal. I couldn't finish the last few spoon fulls.
  14. It was a bad time.
  15. No.
  16. Synthol oil. It's injected into muscles to increase volume but it doesn't actually add strength.
  17. Vaccinations supposedly reduces COVID symptoms if caught.
  18. Update: Morning poop was not fun.
  19. And I was like oh shit, I passed that. In other news, I ate the spiciest pizza in town...from a bar.
  20. https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3d8ab/qanon-spreading-fake-version-arizona-audit-trump-won-cybe
  21. It's not all off yet. Keep stroking that wood.
  22. I don't know how new this is but apparently the Jews are lying about the Earth being round for...profit?
  23. Use incognito mode or whatever so there's no evidence.
  24. People constantly think I'm over 6ft. They're right.
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