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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. People still listen to the radio?
  2. Why was that pipe behind the stove and why didn't Henry use the shutoff valve?
  3. :smileyindifferent:
  4. I'm guessing you picked it up at Walmart? The Super Center closest to me has been stocking some gems. I picked up the 2nd season there on Blue Ray for only 15 dollars I believe.
  5. It's also ghostrek2's birthday. What a coincidence.
  6. I was thinking about adding this but I was trying not to go on too long. Also I haven't looked into it's History enough to speak with the utmost confidence but I do believe you are correct.
  7. The Bible is fiction in the sense that it's not true but fiction isn't lying by default. If J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter then said it was a true story, that would be lying. You can make the argument that the Bible isn't lying if one believes that it's author or authors didn't write it with the intent to deceive. Like, maybe the stories within the Bible were only used by the Church to trick it's followers after the fact. If that were the case, the Bible can be used to perpetrate falsehoods but the stories in them are not lies, only fiction . Additionally, you have to keep in mind that people who genuinely believe what they preach are not actually lying because they are not actively trying to deceive. Rather, they would simply be giving false information. In other words, it comes down to motive.
  8. I don't know if this is a reupload but I don't remember the video quality being so awful.
  9. I wetfarted once and that's it. It was just a small blot because I figured out immediately that I shouldn't have trusted that fart and stopped it.
  10. When you point out the fallacies and inconsistencies, followers will throw around the word faith. I've started telling people that faith is just a pretty word for willful ignorance.
  11. It's their monitoring system.
  12. You've learned their secret. You should watch your back around them now.
  13. Probably has something to do with it being in Florida.
  14. That's the normal way they move loads like this.
  15. Two more.
  16. You reminded me of this lesson.
  17. His SN does look like it could be the name of a slasher in a low budget B movie.
  18. ....Yes.
  19. Clean your belly buttons.
  20. We're suppose to card everybody at my job but I don't. It's always amusing when somebody gets offended and acts like a child when they can't get their cancer sticks.
  21. We had an old one that used a foot pedal. I don't see one in that picture so it's either missing or it's electric. I don't know much about sewing machines so I don't know if electric ones were available during that time period. But if it works, go for it.
  22. Bidet. Gets that booty hole nice and clean.
  23. and jelly
  24. Meanie.
  25. Explain.
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