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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. She's 15-16 in the show, dawg.
  2. New machines and new stuff.
  3. We don't have a Hy-Vee but we have Dillon's which is the same company. The one nearest to me has places that sell Chinese food, fried chicken and has a salad bar.
  4. So you eat them head first, right?
  5. That's weird. I believe I just saw this referenced just in the last couple of days but I don't remember where I saw it. Maybe you saw the same reference and that's why you're posting this.
  6. Akira slide.
  7. A friend who is the same age as me lost a lot of hair. He's only 33.
  8. Sieg67

    FM Cat

    Was your second cat named AM.
  9. I hear most cases of fast food related food poisoning comes from the ice machine.
  11. I got a bump once under a different username. I'm still riding that high.
  12. Yeah, I tried checking that one because I was extremely skeptical. I mean, dude is crazy but I don't think he's that crazy.
  13. 28 degrees oh no poor you.
  14. If we explained what religion was to aliens and told them that people actually believed in them, they would think we're nuts.
  15. Oh, he has bigger issues but it's not my place to disclose that here.
  16. I believe you but your years of trolling have left people skeptical. Maybe post the videos?
  17. He looks different.
  18. I feel like I've done it a year or so ago but just meh'd out of it this time.
  19. It knows. Cats have two laws. 1. They take the form of any container or object they're in. 2. They work on spite a malice.
  20. I'm usually the first one to call Zeni's BS but I think he's legit on this one. I think we should let off of him. If he legit wants to change, that's good and we should encourage that. I mean, at least now he isn't pretending to be a creep and doing that alpha nonsense.
  21. The warping thing is why I never liked plastic. It works fine a couple of times and then the lid never wants to go on right. Also you can wash them for 10 hours straight and they'd still look like shit.
  22. I just watched it not too long ago so I'll pass.
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