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Ho Chi Sock

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Everything posted by Ho Chi Sock

  1. Sometimes I feel like I want tacos.
  2. So which one in the comment section is Viper?
  3. What, no toaster oven option? No? Has that ever stopped you before?
  4. I think he's looking for more hobos to fellate.
  5. At least it wasn't the giggle chills.
  6. The hate of Zeni is entertaining.
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Eh, I'd rather not, but I will be mindful of your "friend's" misfortune in the future.
  9. I worked. Yay.
  10. All your base are belong to us.
  11. Don't invoke Zeni's wrath. ... ... ... 😄
  12. I heard they eat their own farts.
  13. Lol, fuggs thinks she's magically cured, but you can't fix stupid. 😂
  14. How thin are your walls? Serious question is serious.
  15. The Big Sleep. Yep, those cats are dead. RIP
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