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Ho Chi Sock

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Everything posted by Ho Chi Sock

  1. I got the idea from Kudasai using classic video game characters as avatars. I thought back on all the games I played, and Ninja Gaiden immediately came to mind. The Jaquio seemed the perfect choice.
  2. And just what would you consider "decent" Italian sausage?
  3. Glad to help out.
  4. You don't have to worry about that. 😄
  5. I am not, nor have I ever been, killjoy.
  6. The only way you'll get it wet, is by washing it. If you can find it. Little man.
  7. I think the correct term is retarded. Alright, it's not politically correct, but it feels so right.
  8. Who the hell said that? Creepy, rapey, pedophile, delusional, sad, drunk, shithead ... nope, nowhere is controversial and edgy mentioned.
  9. Oh, right, the true love of his life. I get your meaning, besides, it's all connected anyway. Zeni, Rebecca, the socks... *vomits*
  10. I guess 1/16" would be considered immense by you. Probably jizzed in your pants, too, you little creep.
  11. Sure you will. It will be up for maybe a day or two, then you'll delete it. A shame, really. Miss laughing at watching the old vids.
  12. You name the socks you nut into? The fuck is the matter with you?
  13. Oh, and here I was, hoping it was because a group of students threatened to kick your ass. I am very, very, disappointed.
  14. Either way, he would be left physically and emotionally scarred, and isn't that what everyone wants?
  15. How about no?
  16. Yes. I have come to realise that, you know, my life ain't so bad after all. Compared to yours. Thanks.
  17. You creep her straight the fuck out, complete with the douche chills.
  18. I was thinking of something more along the lines of a meat grinder, but he's much too small for that. An egg beater maybe?
  19. She's real to him, dammit.
  20. Maybe they walk among us already. Perhaps you interact with them daily. What if life is like They Live?
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